GSU THEA 2040 - Medieval Theater
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THEATER 2040 Edition 1nd Lecture 8 Outline of Last Lecture I Antigone a Characters b Action c Plot Structure d Genre e Possible themes Outline of Current Lecture I Medieval Era a Trope i Quem Queritis b Playlets i Concordia Regularis II Qualities of the Mystery Passion Pageant Cycle Play III Two types of stages a Pageant Wagons b Mansions IV Two types of Medieval Plays Current Lecture I Medieval Era a This was a time during the fall of Rome and the coming of the Renaissance b It was also a transitional time with crusades kingdoms and religious revolutions c Theater at this time was very religious d Theater started with the trope a series of liturgical elaborations added melody i Quam Queritis was a trope from the Easter Mass celebration e Playlets were short plays drama pieces also variations of tropes i Concoria Regularis was the first full fledged drama with 1 Exposition 2 Conflict 3 Recognition 4 Reversal f New setting for theater after Pope kicked it out of church i Plays developed a social and aesthetic dimension g Civic Government and commercial interest took over the production of theater These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute II III IV Qualities of the Mystery Passion Pageant Cycle Play a Series of playlets inspired by stories in the bible b Written in common language c Presented in sequence d Performed in on around stage s e Lasted a number of days Two types of stages a A staged that rolled about from one location to another b A stationary stage that didn t go anywhere c Pageant Wagons carts were used for series of playlets to tour from town to town d Mansions were elaborately crafted temporary stages Two types of Medieval Plays a Bible history plays i Usually appeared at Corpus Christi a festival that celebrated the mystery of divinity in the body of Jesus Christ b English Morality Plays i Portrayed an archetypal human choosing between good and evil ii Usually ended with a character called the Doctor who pronounced the play s moral c Allegory a literary device in which characters events represent ideas and concepts d Castle of Perseverance is i A play that traces the character of mankind from birth to death as he is torn between temptations of the Seven Deadly Sins and attractions of the Seven Heavenly Virtues

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GSU THEA 2040 - Medieval Theater

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 2
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