TAMU BIOL 320 - Exam 1 Study Guide
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BIOL 320 1st Edition Exam 1 Study Guide Lectures 1 5 Lecture 1 August 27 Which body system is the endocrine system most similar to Nervous system Explain the importance of the pancreas being 1 endocrine tissue While the pancreas is 99 exocrine tissue without the 1 endocrine tissue we would comatose and die The endocrine tissue releases insulin and glucagon antagonists which function to maintain healthy blood glucose levels Lecture 2 August 29 Describe the three different methods of hormone release control Humoral control hormone released in response to blood levels Neural control hormone released in response to stimulation of sympathetic nervous system Hormonal control one hormone causes the release of another hormone waterfall effect Describe the pathway of posterior hormones oxytocin ADH Paraventricular and supraoptic nuclei in the hypothalamus produce posterior hormones The hormones travel down the hypothalamic hypophyseal tract to the posterior lobe where they are stored until the axon terminal is stimulated When a neuron axon fires the posterior pituitary hormones are released neural What is hormone inactivation Where does it often occur Enzymes at the site of a target cell can shut off a hormone It occurs in the kidneys and liver How is hormone inactivation in the kidneys related to pregnancy tests Kidneys filter entire blood volume multiple times a day Blood cells and big proteins bypass the filter and stay in blood everything else enters into filtering pool kidneys put back what s needed electrolytes glucose and discrete what is not pregnancy hormones excess sugar Can tell if person has diabetes if too much sugar in urine Lecture 3 September 3 What are the uses of synthetic T3 and T4 thyroid hormones Used for hypothyroidism or myxedema Edemas swelling body forms antibody identical to TSH so body things it has too much TSH ramps up thyroid must remove thyroid gland and use synthetic thyroid hormones T3 T4 Hyperthyroidism or graves disease yellow skin veiny bulging eyeballs Exothalmus protruding eyeballs What are the effects of thyroid hormone Thyroid hormone promotes normal BMR HR BP muscle function bone growth nervous system development and function gastrointestinal motility female reproduction function skin condition What is the main mineralcorticoid in the body Where is it made and what is its target Aldosterone is made in the zona glomerulosa and it targets the kidney tubules What stimulates the release of aldosterone Decreased Na or increased K in blood Decreased blood volume BP Increased blood volume BP Stress What causes Addison s disease and what are the symptoms Cause Insufficient cortisol aldosterone Symptoms hypotension tan skin low BP weight loss Lecture 4 September 5 What is General Adaptation Syndrome General Adaptation Syndrome is a variety of stressors elicit similar sequence of bodily changes controlled by hypothalamus o Initial Fight or Flight releases epinephrine neural o Resistance reaction releases cortisol hormonal o Exhaustion adrenals poop out leads to muscle wasting poor immune function beta cells insulin in pancreas are destroyed leads to diabetes What is the difference between homeostasis and stress response Homeostasis balance of every body system maintaining optimum levels for body Stress response puts person in balance with environment rather than internal self What are the effects of the short term stress response Increased HR BP metabolic rate blood sugar alertness Decreased urine output digestive system activity Dilation of bronchioles What are the effects of the long term stress response Mineralocorticoids cause retention of Na and water by kidneys increased BP volume Glucocorticoids cause conversion of proteins and fats to sugar gluconeogenesis increased blood sugar and suppression of immune system What is congenital adrenal hyperplasia Born with Enlarged Adrenals Missing 1 or more enzymes needed for cortisol synthesis if adrenal cortex can t make hormone then cortisol levels are low As a result hypothalamus makes more CRH anterior pituitary releases more ACTH cortisol precursors build up in adrenal cortex but because missing 1 enzyme no cortisol released adrenals enlarge Cortisol precursors can be tweaked to make a different steroid testosterone Therefore Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia is most noticeable in girls and prepubescent boys Lecture 5 September 10 What is the composition of blood 55 plasma 45 formed elements erythrocytes leukocytes platelets What is the primary function of erythrocytes Gas transport Which protein found in the walls of RBCs is responsible for their ability to bend and twist Spectrin Where are red blood cells formed In the bone marrow of flat irregular bones What is hypoxia and what can cause it Hypoxia is low blood oxygen and it is caused by o Decreased RBC count o Decreased amount of hemoglobin caused by amino acid or iron deficiency o Decreased availability of O2 chronic emphysema working out at high elevation parasite blood loss Which granular classification of leukocytes have non staining unlobed nuclei and are long lived Agranulocytes Which type of leukemia advances rapidly involves blast cells and affects mostly kids Acute leukemia Term for decreased WBC count increased risk of infection disease Leukopenia

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TAMU BIOL 320 - Exam 1 Study Guide

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