UCLA EEBIOL 100 - Syllabus

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EEB 100 Introduction to Ecology and Behavior Spring 2009 PROFESSOR Dr Patricia Halpin Botany 413 794 1424 Office hours Mon 2 30 3 30 Th 11 12 00 Email halpin ucla edu TEACHING ASSISTANTS Ali Hamilton 1A 1B 1F 1G Office LS 5303 Office hours Mon 2 30 3 30 Weds 5 30 6 30 Th 3 5 00 Email ahamilton ucla edu Chris Johnson 1C 1H Office Botany 306 Office hours Thur 11 12 Fri 11 12 Email cajohnson ucla edu Clarissa Manzi 1D 1E Office 415 Botany Office hours Tues 11 1 00 Email cmanzila Colin Rundel 1I 1J Boelter Hall 9407 310 882 8854 Office hours Mon 11 1 00 Email rundel gmail com Grading Ecology Exam Midterm PRS clickers Behavior Exam Final Discussion Total 300 points 60 points 300 points 340 points 1000 points LECTURE TR 9 30 10 45 Young CS76 COURSE WEBSITE http www lsic ucla edu classes spring09 Discussion Time 1A Tue 11 12 50 1B Tue 1 2 50 1C Wed 8 9 50 1D Wed 10 11 50 1E Wed 12 1 50 1F Thurs 11 12 50 1G Thurs 1 2 50 1H Fri 9 10 50 1I Fri 11 12 50 1J Fri 1 2 50 1 MS 5225 2 Franz 2288 Location 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 REQUIRED MATERIALS 1 PRS Clicker Optional 1 Ricklefs The Economy of Nature 6th Ed 2 Alcock Animal Behavior 8th edition 90 100 80 89 70 79 A B C 60 69 60 D F If the class mean is 75 or higher letter grades will be based on a straight percentage of the 1000 point maximum according to the breakdown shown above Within each letter grade a minus will be assigned to the bottom three percentage points and a plus will be assigned to the top three percentage points e g 80 82 9 is a B 87 89 9 is a B If the class mean is lower than 75 we will lower the cutoffs somewhat to compensate e g 89 may become an A PRS CLICKERS Students are required to bring PRS clickers to class Students use clickers to respond electronically to questions posed during lecture Clickers may be purchased at the bookstore PRS clicker questions will be worth 4 points lecture for a total of 60 points This means you must attend 15 lectures out of 19 where the clickers will be used to receive all 60 points Students must only answer the questions to receive points the answer does not need to be correct Using a clicker for another student is cheating and anyone doing so will be reported to the Dean of Students EXAMS The Midterm and Final will be a combination of multiple choice written answer and problem solving They will be partially open note You will be allowed to bring one 8 x 1 EEB 100 Introduction to Ecology and Behavior Spring 2009 11 piece of paper on which you can write any information you consider relevant or helpful for doing well in the exam You may work with others to study and discuss material to put on the sheet but you cannot directly copy other s sheets No calculators The Final will be identical to the midterm in length and will cover only the last half of the course DISCUSSION A large amount of your grade is the discussion section where you will be part of a discussion group of 4 5 students in addition to the larger section As a result you must attend section and be on time You may miss ONE section during the quarter and receive that week s points for group and self evaluation However any assignments due that day must still be handed in on time or lose points If you miss any subsequent sections you will lose the group and self evaluation points If you are not at section by the time students break into smaller groups you will lose 7 of the points for group work 17 pts possible if you only come for the last hour of section you will only get 5 points for the group work There are no make ups or extra credit work If you miss a section where another assignment is to be turned in e g field notes the prospectus you should turn that in on time or early for full credit If miss a section and wish to go to an alternate section to learn the material you must get permission from the TA running that section beforehand No crashing sections The TA has the right to refuse attendance based on how full their section is and whether others have already requested permission to attend Please check the syllabus carefully to make sure you do not have a scheduling conflict with the test dates No make up tests or extra credit assignments will be given COURSE WEBSITE If you are having enrollment problems but need access to the site before you can be enrolled go to the computer lab in 2127 LS and ask how you can access a course site temporarily Temporary access is available during the first 4 weeks of a regular quarter Fall Winter Spring or 2 weeks of a Summer Session If you have not resolved your enrollment issues by the time the temporary access has expired your access will be cut off until you do LECTURE ETIQUETTE Students coming and going during lecture is a significant disruption Further it s quite inconsiderate to the students listening to the lecturer It s only a small fraction of students who typically do so but in a class this size it makes an impact You should try to arrive at lecture on time although arriving late is better than not attending at all More importantly you should not leave lecture early When you do you disrupt the class If you must leave early e g for a doctor s appointment you should inform me beforehand that you will do so and why Also you should sit near one of the exits at the top of the class to minimize disturbance when you leave If you don t follow this policy don t be surprised if I ask you what is so important that you have to leave class before it is over 2 EEB 100 Introduction to Ecology and Behavior Lecture Date 31 March Tuesday 2 April Thursday 7 April Tues 9 April Thurs 14 April Tuesday 16 April Thursday 21 April Tuesday 23 April Thursday 28 April Tuesday 30 April Thursday 5 May Tuesday 5 May Tuesday 7 May Thursday 12 May Tuesday 14 May Thursday 19 May Tuesday 21 May Thursday 26 May Tuesday 28 May Thursday 2 June Tuesday 4 June Thursday 9 June Tues 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 11 Topic Reading Intro to Ecology Global ecosystems Ricklefs Ch 4 Ch 5 Populations Single species Ricklefs Ch 11 Populations Interspecific Interactions 1 Ricklefs Ch 14 Populations Interspecific Interactions 2 Ricklefs Ch 15 16 Disturbance and Succession Ricklefs Ch 19 Biodiversity Ricklefs Ch 20 Metapopulations Ricklefs Ch 12 Shifts Declines Extinction …

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UCLA EEBIOL 100 - Syllabus

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