MIT 6 898 - Notions & Notations of the Semantic Web

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6 898 Notions Notations of the Semantic Web Hypothetical 2 K Krasnow Waterman November 3 2005 1 TAMI Hypothetical Part 2 JOHN DOE Flies LGA ORD LaGuardia O Hare June 2004 AIRLINE Creates a PNR Passenger Name Record Transportation Security Administration TSA Finds a possible match while testing Secure Flight program COMMERCIAL DATA VENDOR Provides match data Terrorism Screening Center TSC Provides no fly list National Counterterrorism Center NCTC Provides stripped version of aggregated dataset known suspected terrorists 2 DHS TSA Justifications JOHN DOE Flies LGA ORD LaGuardia O Hare June 2004 Permitted to Collect and Match this Information AIRLINE Creates a PNR Passenger Name Record Transportation Security Administration TSA Finds a possible match while testing Secure Flight program COMMERCIAL DATA VENDOR Provides match data Terrorism Screening Center TSC Provides no fly list National Counterterrorism Center NCTC Provides stripped version of aggregated dataset known suspected terrorists 3 DHS TSA Justifications JOHN DOE Flies LGA ORD LaGuardia O Hare June 2004 Permitted to Collect and Match this Information AIRLINE Creates a PNR Passenger Name Record Transportation Security Administration TSA Finds a possible match while testing Secure Flight program Covered by Privacy Act 5 USC 552a COMMERCIAL DATA VENDOR Provides match data Terrorism Screening Center TSC Provides no fly list National Counterterrorism Center NCTC Provides stripped version of aggregated dataset known suspected terrorists 4 DHS TSA Justifications JOHN DOE Flies LGA ORD LaGuardia O Hare June 2004 Permitted to Collect and Match this Information AIRLINE Creates a PNR Passenger Name Record Transportation Security Administration TSA Finds a possible match while testing Secure Flight program Covered by Privacy Act 5 USC 552a COMMERCIAL DATA VENDOR Provides match data Covered Because DHS is an agency covered by this law Terrorism Screening Center TSC Provides no fly list National Counterterrorism Center NCTC Provides stripped version of aggregated dataset known suspected terrorists 5 DHS TSA Justifications JOHN DOE Flies LGA ORD LaGuardia O Hare June 2004 Permitted to Collect and Match this Information AIRLINE Creates a PNR Passenger Name Record Remember this one 5 USC 552a a 1 the term agency meansTransportation agency as defined Securityin SectionAdministration 552 e of this title TSA Finds a possible match while testing Secure Flight program Covered by Privacy Act 5 USC 552a COMMERCIAL DATA VENDOR Provides match data Covered Because DHS is an agency covered by this law Terrorism Screening Center TSC Provides no fly list National Counterterrorism Center NCTC Provides stripped version of aggregated dataset known suspected terrorists 6 DHS TSA Justifications JOHN DOE Flies LGA ORD LaGuardia O Hare June 2004 Permitted to Collect and Match this Information AIRLINE Creates a PNR Passenger Name Record Covered by Privacy Act 5 USC 552a COMMERCIAL DATA VENDOR Provides match data Remember this one 5 USC 552a a 1 the term agency meansTransportation agency as defined Securityin SectionAdministration 552 e of this title TSA Finds a possible match while testing Secure Flight program Except 552 e was made 552 f by section 1802 b of Pub L 99 570 but corresponding change was not made to 552a a 1 Covered Because DHS is an agency covered by this law Terrorism Screening Center TSC Provides no fly list National Counterterrorism Center NCTC Provides stripped version of aggregated dataset known suspected terrorists 7 Challenge 1 If we write rules that don t dynamically call the actual statute the way we wrote the deadbeat dad rule we can t tell that the law has changed 2 If we do call the law dynamically how do we address scrivener s errors 8 5 USC 552a Is a Statute 5 USC 552a Popular Name Privacy Act 5 USC 552a Regulates applies to Privacy Act Agency 1 Privacy Act Agency Definition 5 USC 552 e 2 5 USC 552 Popular Name Freedom of Information Act Freedom of Information Act Acronym FOIA 5 USC 552 f 1 Defines FOIA Agency Privacy Act Agency Includes FOIA Agency FOIA Agency Is Executive Branch 5 USC 552 f 1 Executive Branch Includes Executive Department 5 USC 552 f 1 Executive Branch Includes Military 5 USC 552 f 1 Military Is Department of Defense Executive Branch Includes Government Corporation 5 USC 552 f 1 Executive Branch Includes Government Controlled Corporation 5 USC 552 f 1 Executive Branch Includes Independent Regulatory Agency 5 USC 552 f 1 FOIA Agency Definition also 5 USC 551 5 USC 552 f 1 FOIA Agency Includes Agency3 5 USC 551 1 Defines Agency3 Agency3 Is Authority of US Government Agency3 Is not excludes Congress 5 USC 551 1 A Agency3 Is not excludes US courts 5 USC 551 1 B Agency3 Is not excludes US territorial government 5 USC 551 1 C US Territorial Government Is Puerto Rico 9 1 Agency is used by other statutes with other definitions 2 This is an error 5 USC 552 e was moved to 5 USC 552 f in 1999 Challenge 3 If we call a rule that references other rules we need to dynamically call them too 4 If the law uses a word or phrase that has a legal meaning but doesn t provide that meaning ie US territorial government how do we recognize that How do we dynamically find the meaning ie find and interpret 48 USC that has sections on the territories 10 DHS TSA Justifications JOHN DOE Flies LGA ORD LaGuardia O Hare June 2004 Permitted to Collect and Match this Information AIRLINE Creates a PNR Passenger Name Record Covered by Privacy Act 5 USC 552a COMMERCIAL DATA VENDOR Provides match data Remember this one 5 USC 552a a 1 the term agency meansTransportation agency as defined Securityin SectionAdministration 552 e of this title TSA Finds a possible match while testing Secure Flight program Except 552 e was made 552 f by section 1802 b of Pub L 99 570 but corresponding change was not made to 552a a 1 Covered Because DHS is an agency covered by this law 5 USC 552 f 1 agency as defined in section 551 1 of this title includes any executive department Terrorism Screening Center TSC Provides no fly list National Counterterrorism Center NCTC Provides stripped version of aggregated dataset known suspected terrorists 11 DHS TSA Justifications JOHN DOE Flies LGA ORD LaGuardia O Hare June 2004 Permitted to Collect and Match this Information AIRLINE Creates a PNR Passenger Name Record Covered by Privacy Act 5 USC 552a COMMERCIAL DATA VENDOR Provides match data Remember this one 5 USC 552a a 1 the term agency meansTransportation agency as defined

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MIT 6 898 - Notions & Notations of the Semantic Web

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