TAMU COMM 335 - intercultural communication and identity
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COMM 335 1st Edition Lecture 12 Outline of Last Lecture II Intercultural communication and history III Contact hypothesis Outline of Current Lecture I Views of identity II Identity negation theory III How identities are expressed IV Dynamic nature of identities V Social and cultural identities Current Lecture I Three Views of Identity a Social science perspective identity created by self in relation to the community we belong i 3 Universal aspects of identity a Individualized identity b Familial identity c Spiritual identity b Communication perspective more dynamic recognize role of interaction with others in developing self identities emerge through the communication process i Avowal process by which an individual portrays himself or herself ii Ascription process by which others attribute identities to an individual iii Ex our professor thinks he is still a young stud but all the students think he is old c Critical perspective even more dynamic result of contexts distant from the individual Contextual identity formation Resisting ascribed identities i Interpellation hailing to resist we must begin from the position ascribed to s to be able to carve out a new identity The communication process by which one is pulled into the social forces that place people into a specific identity These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute II III IV V Identity Negation Theory individual define themselves in relation to groups they belong to Individuals also need differentiation from these groups Individuals who are more secure are more open to interacting with other cultures How identities are expressed d Core symbol fundamental beliefs shared by the members of a cultural group e Labels category of core symbols Names or Markers f Norms and behaviors associated with particular identities Dynamic nature of identities identities are shaped by forces that are constantly changing Search for stable identities is as futile as the search for labels for those identities Although labels refer to the same group of people the political and cultural identities of these labels are different The context in which the labels were used varied Social and cultural identities a Biological sex vs gender identity how biological sex influences gender identity Ex pink vs blue b Social constructed notions What does it mean to be a man or a woman in the U S c Notions of masculinity and femininity are not only based on biological differences d Body images have changed over time Media has played a role in this e Notions of attractiveness are culture bound

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TAMU COMM 335 - intercultural communication and identity

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 2
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