PSY 213 1nd Edition Lecture 12 Outline of Previous Lecture I Physical growth and development in infancy II Motor development III Sensory and perceptual development IV Cognitive development V Language development Outline of Current Lecture I Emotional development II Temperament III Personality development Current Lecture I Emotional development a Emotion Feeling or affect that occurs when a person is in a state or interaction that is important to him or her Happy sad scared i Play important roles in Communication with others behavioral organization b Biological and environmental influences i Certain brain regions play a role in emotions ii Emotion linked interchanges provide the foundation for the infant s developing attachment to the parent iii Social relationships provide the setting for the development of a rich variety of emotions iv Relationships and culture provide diversity in emotional experiences c Crying first way of communication d Basic cry Rhythmic pattern usually consisting of A cry Briefer silence Shorter inspiratory whistle that is higher pitched than the main cry Brief rest before the next cry e Anger cry Variation of the basic cry with more excess air forced through the vocal cords f Pain cry Sudden long initial loud cry followed by breath holding These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute II III g Reflexive smile Smile that does not occur in response to external stimuli h Social smile In response to an external stimulus 6 weeks i Stranger anxiety Fear and wariness of strangers 6 8 months Corresponds to development of attachment j Separation protest Distressed crying when the caregiver leaves k Social referencing Reading emotional cues in others to help determine how to act in a particular situation l Emotional regulation and coping i Caregivers actions and contexts can influence emotional regulation ii Soothing a crying infant helps infants develop a sense of trust and secure attachment to the caregiver iii Continuity of caregiving whatever type of care the baby becomes used to will have effect on their development Temperament how we respond behave in a social setting Biologically based a Individual differences in behavioral styles emotions and characteristic ways of responding b Chess and Thomas classification i Easy child Generally in a positive mood 1 Quickly establishes regular routines in infancy 2 Adapts easily to new experiences ii Difficult child Reacts negatively and cries frequently 1 Engages in irregular daily routines 2 Slow to accept change iii Slow to warm up child Low activity level 1 Somewhat negative 2 Displays a low intensity of mood c Kagan s behavioral inhibition i Effortful Control Self Regulation ability to control our emotions responses Rothbart and Bates classification 1 Extraversion surgency 2 Negative affectivity 3 Effortful control Personality development a Gender culture and temperament i Parents may react differently to an infant s temperament depending on gender ii Cultural differences in temperament were linked to parent attitude and behaviors b Goodness of fit Match between a child s temperament and the environmental demands the child must cope with c Strategies for temperament sensitive parenting i Attention to and respect for individuality ii Structuring the child s environment iii Avoid applying negative labels to the child d Trust does the baby trust the caregiver e Developing sense of self f Independence Autonomy versus shame and doubt
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