HNF 461 1st Edition Lecture 10 Outline of Last Lecture I Units of Energy II Bomb Calorimeter III Release of Energy IV Food Energy a Gross b Digestible c Metabolizable V Energy Balance VI Energy Expenditure a Basal vs Resting Metabolic Rate b Thermic Effect of Food c Physical Activity d Thermoregulation Outline of Current Lecture I Direct Calorimetry II Indirect Calorimetry a Respiration Quotient III Doubly Labeled Water IV Body Weight Regulation V BMR VI Estimated Energy Requirement EER Current Lecture Assessing Energy Expenditure 1 Direct Calorimetry Measurement of heat dissipation a Energy is released as heat These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute 2 3 4 5 6 b Good way to measure but not very practical Indirect Calorimetry Measurement of O2 in and CO2 out in a certain amount of time a Respiration Quotient RQ CO2 Produced O2 Consumed i Burning Carbohydrates RQ 1 0 ii Burning Fat RQ 0 7 iii Burning Protein RQ 0 8 iv Conversion of carbohydrates to fat RQ 1 b Based on the RQ can determine the kcal liter O2 consumed Doubly Labeled Water Label hydrogen and oxygen in water molecule with stable isotopes 2H and 18O Requires a food intake log as well a Labeled water is metabolized as normal water i O is eliminated as H2O and CO2 ii H is eliminated as H2O b Based on amount of water and carbon dioxide produced can determine how much of the macronutrients are being metabolized c This form of assessment demonstrates that obese people eat more than lean people Can be used to measure physical activity of free living subjects Body Weight Regulation a Increase food intake does not mean increased physical activity but decreased food intake does mean decreased physical activity It is easier to gain weight than it is to lose it b Increase exercise means increased food intake but decreased exercise does not mean decreased food intake Shows that it is easier to gain weight BMR a 1 kcal kg body weight hr for men b 9 kcal kg body weight hr for women lower because female have more fat c Calculations don t include physical activity Estimated Energy Requirement EER a Different equations for men and women b Takes physical activity into account
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