WFSC 403 1st Edition Lecture 5 Outline of Last Lecture I Lab II Page 140 III The Big Picture Outline of Current Lecture I II III IV V Life Tables Assumptions Population Projections Population parameters Population Demography a Life Tables Current Lecture Population parameters o Density o Birth death rates o Immigration emigration Excerpt top of page 140 on closing capacity increase o A population that is subject to a constant schedule of mortality and natality rates will 1 increase in number geometrically at a rate equal to the capacity for increase r 2 assume a fixed or stable age distribution and 3 maintain this age distribution indefinitely Population demography Life tables o Three types of survivorship curves Type I Humans in developed country low early death rate Type III Sea turtles massive mortality early on Type II Constant not age specific Types of life tables Data and assumptions o Cohort following a cohort group from life to death No need to assume anything Impractical to use due to data being hard to collect o Age at death is observed Age of death of individual in a population o Age structure is most commonly used because an ecologist goes out and These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute count age the things found there Life tables o Example o o ex expectation of further life o Static life tables more age classes After age 9 ex increases Reason could be different number of births affects year class strength Why are static and dynamic tables different o Cohort could be affected by weather or age specific diseases disasters o A static table is almost like a snapshot of a time so we don t know all the different things that could have affected the population
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