WFSC 403 1st Edition Lecture 4 Outline of Last Lecture I Chapter 8 Continue Outline of Current Lecture I Lab II Page 140 III The Big Picture Current Lecture Life tables are used to manage populations The big picture Immigration o birth death population n emigration o Birth population n death The details o Describe a population What Where Life history Increase decrease Structure Function dynamics Page 140 o This concept leads to a demographic change o Difficult to maintain indefinitely Grow exponentially o In real world this doesn t happen forever o Will eventually run out of something o r selected species Voles bugs These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Next week in lab look at age specific with STELLA Reproductive effort is the same as reproductive success when the line is straight o Reproductive success equals the number of offspring left behind The big bang effort success the line is below the straight line Repeat reproductive worth success is above the line Theory on how different species develop If resources aren t stable every year reproductive success is dicey or unpredictable environment then reproduce every year
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