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838p Final Exam Don t panic There are 12 questions Answer any 10 of them i e pick two questions to not answer Each question is worth 10 points 1 Discuss pass by value vs pass by reference with regards to Web services EJB Local interfaces EJB Remote interfaces 2 How would you decide whether something should be implemented as a stateful session bean or as an entity bean Give several rules for deciding this e g if it is colored blue it should be an entity bean Discuss something which could be implemented as either an entity bean or a stateful session bean 3 Here are some methods State which interfaces they might reasonably appear in e g remote local home component interface of a stateless session bean stateful session bean entity bean Some most methods may appear in multiple interfaces please list concisely using wildcards as appropriate Note the methods don t list return types or thrown exceptions create create String firstName String lastName findByPrimaryKey String key getHandle remove remove Handle h 4 Suppose you had two different entity beans X and Y There are three different relationships between X and Y Relationship R1 is a one to one bidirectional relationship from X to Y Relationship R2 is a one to many relationship from X to Y Relationship R3 is a many to many relationship from X to Y Described how these relationships could be implemented in an underlying database 5 What are the mechanisms that a servlet container might use to track sessions What requirements do they impose on browsers and or servlets 6 In Servlets JSP what is the difference between forwarding including and redirecting 7 What special functionality convenience is made available by using JavaBeans in a JSP or servlet 1 8 Given a container managed 1 1 bidirectional relation Foo Bar and the object relations f1 b1 f2 b2 Which boolean expressions will be true after the following code runs b2 setFoo b1 getFoo Note all that apply a f1 getBar null b f2 getBar null c b1 getFoo null 9 What situations circumstances would force you to use bean managed transactions Contained managed transactions 10 What is the difference between a Get request and a Post request in HTTP Servlets 11 Which of the following design patterns is normally used to reduce the number of remote calls made by the clients to the server Select the one that best applies a Business Delegate b Model View Controller c Facade d Factory e Value Objects 12 Compare and contrast the following In particular give situations that would call out for or preclude the use of these technologies JDBC ResultSets JDBC RowSets JDO EJB Entity beans 2

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UMD CMSC 838P - Final Exam

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