WFSC 403 1st Edition Lecture 1 Outline of Current Lecture I Powers of 10 II Introduction to The Scientific of Ecology III Relationship of ecology to other disciplines IV Basic ecological problems and perspectives Current Lecture Chapter 1 Introduction to The Science of Ecology o Relationship of ecology to other disciplines o Basic ecological problems and perspectives o Hierarchical levels of integration within ecology o General approaches to ecological problems o The scientific method Relationship of ecology to other disciplines o Integrated subject Evolution and ecology Ecological relationships are not static relationships evolve Behavior Staking out territory Social structure Physiology Darwin finches Locomotive capabilities These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Temperature regulation o Counter current heat exchange Artic duck Genetic vs evolution Genetics is the mechanics for evolution Evolution when genotypes changes Basic ecological problems and perspectives o Descriptive Foundation of all ecology Describe things Pattern o Functional The observation Example Observe fox squirrels bury dig acorn make hypothesis Cause and effect o Evolutionary Predator gets faster prey will zigzag more Powers of 10 movie o A couple are on the beach and the camera zooms in 10x until the camera focuses in on a skin cell and then even deeper until you see the DNA It goes back to the beginning and then zooms out 10x until the camera is so far back out of the universe and we see Earth as a tiny spec Purpose of the movie story perspective changes depending on where and how you look Hierarchical levels of integration within ecology o Author says we focus on biosphere landscapes ecosystems communities populations o Communities vs ecosystems Labels lines are blurry Biotic interactions among communities o Ecosystems Cycle nutrient and energy flow Primary production Don t often talk about predator prey o Landscapes Positioning of different ecosystems landscapes General approaches to ecological problems o Theoretical Theory super simple but very restrictive assumptions Give base point and point departure o Laboratory Took theory and try to recreate with live organisms Modeling is form of laboratory Math model experiment with system o Field Try and look at the theory in the field o Theory without practice is fantasy Practice without theory is chaos
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