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Big Bang Black Holes No Math ASTR PHYS 109 Dr David Toback Lecture 12 Big Bang Black Holes No Math Physics We Need Topic 4 Nuclear Physics 1 Was due Today L12 Reading BBBHNM Unit 2 Pre Lecture Reading Questions Let us know if you were misgraded Unit 1 2nd Revision if needed Due today You MUST pass this portion to pass the class Contact me if you haven t End of Chapter Quizzes Chapter 7a 7b quizzes Paper 1 Stage 2 is due Monday before class Text needs to be in turnitin on eCampus Honors Paper Stage 0 Stage 1 due Mon Oct 20th Physics We Need Big Bang Black Topic 4 Nuclear Physics Holes No Math 2 Heads Up Paper 2 In order to understand the evidence we next talk about Atoms and how they work Will be assigned Physics We Need 3 Topic 4 Nuclearafter Physics we What is the evidence that Stars are made of Atom This will be the topic of Paper 2 Big Bang Black Holes No Math Extra Credit Still offering extra credit for people who find typos in the Textbook Extra credit for people who find mistakes for any all eCampus quizzes or CPR assignments Now offering extra credit for students who send good clicker questions If it becomes the basis for one used in class I will give Physics We Need Big Bang Black 4 you extraTopic credit 4 Nuclear Physics Holes No Math Outline for Unit 2 Physics We Need 1 Light and Doppler Shifts Done 2 Gravity General Relativity and Dark Matter Done 3 Atomic Physics and Quantum Mechanics Done 4 Nuclear Physics and Chemistry This time 5 Temperature and Thermal Physics We Need Big Bang Black 5 Equilibrium Topic 4 Nuclear Physics Holes No Math Looking at the Lights in the Sky What we know about the universe comes from multiple places So far Learned about the light coming from the sky Learned that Physics We Need Big Bang Black Holes No Math Topic 4 Nuclear Physics 6 Questions We re Trying to Answer What are stars made of What can we learn from looking at them How do we know Today More about different types of atoms that produce the light A smoking gun piece of evidence that the light from the sky Big Bang Black is from atomsPhysics out We Need Holes No Math Topic 4 Nuclear Physics 7 Outline Overview What protons and neutrons are made of Quarks How protons and neutrons interact combine to form a nucleus Chemistry Spectral lines Light from stars Learning about the stars Physics We Need Big Bang Black Holes No Math Topic 4 Nuclear Physics 8 Overview of the story Big things are made from LOTS of small things Small things The Fundamental Building Blocks of Nature What is the stuff in atoms ElectroMagnetism electric charge What holds electrons and protons together Quantum Mechanics Why atoms form the way they do Electron in orbits Atoms absorbing and emitting photons light Different TYPES of Atoms The Strong Force Keeping protons and neutrons together atomic nuclei Nuclear Physics and Chemistry Different atoms Different light Studying the Stars using their light Spectral lines of the atoms Atomic fingerprints The light we see from the stars Big Bang Black Holes No Math Physics We Need Topic 4 Nuclear Physics Last Lecture This Lecture 9 Smaller Building Blocks of Nature Atoms are made of a nucleus surrounded by electrons Many types of nuclei Only one kind of electron Nuclei is composed of neutrons and protons Neutrons and protons are two different types of nucleons Nucleons are made of Physics We Need Bigquarks Bang Black Holes No Math Topic 4 Nuclear Physics 10 Chemistry We can put nucleons together in lots of different ways Each different way Knew about the periodic table corresponds in the 19th century understood it was just to a different Physics We Need combinations of protons 11 and Bigtype Bang Black of atom Topic 4 Nuclear Physics Holes No Math neutrons in the 1920 s Observation Different Kinds of Atoms The kind of atom depends on the number of protons in the nucleus Helium He with 2 protons 2 neutrons and 2 electrons Different numbers of neutrons different isotopes Helium 4 Big Bang Black Holes No Math Physics We Need Topic 4 Nuclear Physics 12 Why do nucleons stick together If what holds the atom together is the opposite charge of the protons and the electrons Why don t the same sign charges of the protons blow the nucleus apart Big Bang Black Holes No Math Physics We Need Topic 4 Nuclear Physics 13 What Nucleons are Made Of Each nucleon is made of 3 quarks Two different types of quark Called up quarks and down quarks More to say Each quarkPhysics hasWe Need Big Bang Black 14 Holes No Math about this Topic 4 Nuclear Physics What holds the quarks together The strong force holds the quarks together inside the nucleon The force mediator is the gluon Quarks talk to each other via gluons Big Bang Black Holes No Math Physics We Need Topic 4 Nuclear Physics 15 The Answer The same strong force keeps the nucleons together Essentially the gluons leak out of the nucleons and provide the attractive force Big Bang Black Holes No Math Physics We Need Topic 4 Nuclear Physics 16 So what Why do we care about all the different kinds of atoms What does this have to do with Stars and the Big Bang The different mass and charge of each nucleus means that each as a different set of energy levels Each has We unique Need Big Bang Black one Physics 17 Holes No Math Topic 4 Nuclear Physics Different energy levels for each different type of atom Fingerprinti ng the different atoms Hydrogen Helium Can Boron use light of different energies to identify atoms Physics We Need Big Bang Black TopicColors 4 Nuclear Physics Holes Different No Math 18 Atomic Fingerprints Each atom produces a large number of different wavelengths with VERY SPECIFIC values Quantum Mechanics predicts ALL of them If you see all the ones you expect none you Physics We Need Bigand Bang Black don t that gives Topic 4 Nuclear Physics Holes No Math 19 More on Fingerprinting Look at light from a light bulb with Hydrogen gas in the way Different lines will be absorbed by Helium Can now identify a mystery gas Big Bang Black Holes No Math Physics We Need Topic 4 Nuclear Physics 20 Overview of the story Big things are made from LOTS of small things Small things The Fundamental Building Blocks of Nature What is the stuff in atoms ElectroMagnetism electric charge What holds electrons and protons together Quantum Mechanics Why atoms form the way they do Electron in orbits Atoms absorbing and emitting photons light Different TYPES of Atoms The Strong Force Keeping protons and neutrons together atomic nuclei Nuclear Physics and Chemistry

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