TAMU COMM 335 - Power
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COMM 335 1st Edition Lecture 10 Outline of Last Lecture I Cultural background II Histories I III Histories II IV History power and intercultural communication V History and identity Outline of Current Lecture I Power II Fair trade III Hidden histories IV race Current Lecture I II III IV V Grand Narrative a sacred way of looking at the evolution of our people Rewriting histories to include suppressed hidden and erased Fair trade a product that is fair No slave labor or child labor More expensive because the labor costs more than non fair trade Hidden histories a Gender histories women s suffrage b Sexual orientation gay rights c Racial and ethnic histories one intercultural problem is that our desire to view the world in discrete units motivates us to overlook the displacement and migration of people confusing nationality with ethnicity or race Ex The Diary of Anne Frank Cry the Beloved Country etc Race a social construct based on the biological aspects of ethnicity These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute

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TAMU COMM 335 - Power

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 2
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