TAMU COMM 335 - History
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COMM 335 1st Edition Lecture 9 Outline of Last Lecture I How communication reinforces culture II Communication as resistance to the dominant cultural system III The relationship between communication and context IV The relationship between communication and power Outline of Current Lecture I Cultural background II Histories I III Histories II IV History power and intercultural communication V History and identity Current Lecture I II III Cultural background influences our knowledge of history Many interactions involve interplay between present and past Differences in intercultural encounters may become hidden barriers in communication Members of the majority tend to deemphasize history current situation cannot be understood without knowing historical background How we think about the past influences how we think about ourselves and others Histories I Need to think about the different histories that form our identity Think beyond notion of history as only documented events Political intellectual and social histories Absent histories events never recorded not an insignificant history Require more complex analysis of the past and its influences in the future Histories II Family histories National histories Cultural group histories These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute IV V VI a May be hidden b Not always part of national history c Important in the development of i Group identity ii Family histories iii Contemporary lives of these co cultures Power it s of the text limited access to write and produce political controlforbidden languages The linear nature of history is the reflection of a modernist identity grounded in western tradition Power in intercultural communication Power is the legacy of past history leaves cultural groups in particular positions We are never equal in an intercultural encounter history has left us in an unbalanced position History and identity histories are stories we use to help make sense of self and others The desire to forget history tells us about how a particular culture negotiates its relationship to the past Ignoring history can lead to wrong conclusions about others which leads to stereotypes Even if we ignore history we cannot escape it

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TAMU COMM 335 - History

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 2
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