WFSC 403 1st Edition Lecture 8 Outline of Last Lecture I Evolution of Demographic Traits a Two Caveats II Composition of Populations a Page 139 in the textbook III Chapter Organization of Chapter 9 IV Types of Populations Growths a Exponential and Logarithmic Outline of Current Lecture I Lab Lecture STELLA a Population Growth II Intro a Connections III Theory a 2x2 b r pg 147 IV Lab Experiments V Field Data Current Lecture STELLA o In lab we did two different runs The second run we did was more realistic because we added a limiting factor k carrying capacity o Exponential Limitless growth These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute o Logarithmic Limited growth Intro o Connections There was a lot of name dropping in the intro to Chapter 9 2x2 o Overlapping population and non overlapping population o Two different models that go with the different populations o Exponential growth o R0 1 o Nt N0ert S curve o Nt k 1 ea rt The math is important because it is found in textbook and technical articles so we should be able to understand it instead of skipping over it
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