UT Knoxville BIOL 101 - Exam 1 Study Guide
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BIOL 101 1st Edition Exam 1 Study Guide What is Life What is Science Intro There is one powerpoint for this topic This is chapter 1 and 2 in your textbook 1 What is Biology 2 Be able to describe life s hierarchy of organization remember if you start at the bottom and go up new properties are gained At what stage does life emerge What are emergent properties 3 Know the common features of life order regulation homeostasis growth and development energy processing response to environment reproduction evolutionary adaptation Know what these characteristics are and know that most living things have these characteristics but also know that there are some exceptions to this rule Eg A mule 4 How does evolution and natural selection lead to evolutionary adaptations in living things 5 What is Science Define it What is NOT science Why What is the scientific process What are it s steps 6 What is the difference between hypothesis based science and discovery science How do they support one another 7 What is a hypothesis What does it mean when we say it must be testable and falsifiable Can a hypothesis ever be proven true with 100 confidence 8 What is the difference between a scientific theory and an everyday theory How does a hypothesis become a theory 9 What is anecdotal evidence 10 What is a controlled experiment Epidemiological study 11 Be able to distinguish between an experimental and a control group What is the role of each in an experiment What is the definition of independent and dependent variable What is a placebo Placebo effect 12 What is the process and purpose of peer review What is pseudoscience How can we identify it 13 What is the media s role in abbreviating and misrepresenting scientific information Why is this common 14 What influences our confidence in scientific data results What is statistical significance How do we know if our results are real or just simply due to chance alone What role does sample size play Does it matter who is chosen as the sample group Why or why not 15 Explain the statement Correlation does not equal causation Biological Molecules Rebuilding the Food Pyramid Water and Acid Rain There are three powerpoints related to these topics Chapter 2 in your textbook Four supplemental readings on blackboard 1 Remember you are responsible for the first several slides in the powerpoint with regards to the bold faced words and definitions What are atoms protons electrons neutrons etc 2 What is the evidence for life on Mars Water evidence Carbon evidence Why are we looking for water and carbon 3 What is it about carbon that makes it so versatile How many bonds can it make In what arrangements can carbon skeletons be found Can there be branching Single or double bonds What is an organic compound What is a hydrocarbon 4 What are the four classes of biological macromolecules all with carbon skeletons found in living things 5 Is this statement true or false You are what you eat Why or why not 6 Carbohydrates monosaccharides vs polysaccharides Which is more healthy Why What is the effect of monosaccharides on diabetes 7 What is lactose intolerance Why are some people not able to digest dairy What are the side effects of lactose intolerance Why is lactose intolerance more prevalent in certain ethnic backgrounds 8 What are lipids What is meant by saturated and unsaturated fats Which is solid and which is liquid at room temperature Which comes from animal and which comes from plant sources Which is healthy and which is not What is atherosclerosis 9 What is HDL and LDL and what role do they play in cholesterol and plaque formation in the blood vessels Why is it that the ratio is what is important 10 What are trans fats Are they good for you Why or why not What are essential omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids How can you obtain them in your diet 11 What are the major components of a cell membrane What is a phospholipid What does it mean when we say hydrophilic head and hydrophobic tail What is a phospholipid bilayer What does it mean when we say polar molecule 12 What are natural steroids What are the health effects of anabolic steroid use How can steroids be used misused 13 If amino acids are the monomer what is the polymer What are the four levels of protein structure How do hydrogen bonds play a role in structure of proteins What is denaturation What are the various functions of proteins in a cell 14 What is a food pyramid How have they been flawed 15 Why is water so crucial to life What are hydrogen bonds Why is water considered a polar molecule What does it mean when we say oxygen is more electronegative than hydrogen What are the four life supporting properties of water all because of hydrogen bonds 16 What is the pH scale What are acids and what are bases What is acid rain and how does it form What are the consequences 17 You are responsible for the information in the supplemental readings on blackboard Rebuilding the Food Pyramid Eating made simple The Acid Sea Water on Mars

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UT Knoxville BIOL 101 - Exam 1 Study Guide

Type: Study Guide
Pages: 3
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