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designing tools and environments to support YOUTH LED SOCIAL CHANGE in low income communities leoburd media mit edu 2003 11 04 agenda development of software for educational activities the young activists network YAN discussion 1 it all started with a couple of basic na ve questions What is so special about Logo How to develop Logo like applications to explore non mathematical domains The answer does not lie in the Logo language but on the kind of activities Constructionist microworlds that it supports Development of Software for Educational Activities Leo Burd DCA FEE UNICAMP Master s thesis defense October 1999 4 2 yet another basic na ve questions what kinds of activities should I focus my time on who should design educational activities Can technology help change this situation 3 Committee for Democratization of Information Technologies Sao Paulo CDISP A non governmental organization whose mission is to combine education and technology towards a non exclusionary society based on the principles of solidarity Schools of Information Technology and Citizenship inside outside 8 4 Barn raising party 9 Training 10 5 Acknowledgement 11 6 13 14 7 15 16 8 17 18 9 20 21 10 22 23 11 24 25 12 the Young Activists Network YAN mission develop tools methodologies and support structures to transform community technology centers into spaces that foster and sustain technology supported youth led social change 13 28 29 14 15 16 17 the YAN activity Mediating Artifacts cards posters and other support materials digital cameras desktops network appropriate digital artifacts etc Subject young person Rules session schedule focus on neighborhood reflection etc Objects group talents and connections other local and external resources etc Community mentors other kids people from the neighborhood other adults Outcome concrete neighborhood improvement celebration etc Division of Labor facilitator actor learner source of reference activity designer 18 action research key elements youth participation focus on neighborhood challenges human connectivity contextualized uses of technology storytelling recognition 19 where are we Brazil Costa Rica India Mexico 2 Philippines 2 United States 5 20 major challenges youth engagement and commitment lack of adults lack of appropriate tools and materials resilience building assessment monitoring and evaluation youth engagement and commitment build rapport start with short term concrete projects serious fun lots of action it s easier to work with 10 12 year olds involve older kids in the organization talk to the families don t overstructure get a quite spacious room 21 plans for 2003 2004 expand the network to new sites in Boston young activists volunteer task force YAN activity best practices portfolio YAN website YAN toolkit the young activists task force provide support from within to network organizations help enhance the model create new support materials outreach to new communities work in teams of 2 or 3 2 to 3 hours per week monthly meetings discussions over internet 22 the young activists toolkit make it easier for youth to implement their projects in the neighborhood access relevant information reflect about their work communicate ideas and get recognition narrator mapping tool graphical wiki Convention of the Rights of the Child card set 23 http llk media mit edu projects yan yan media mit edu 24

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MIT MAS 714 - Development of Software for Educational Activities

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