HNF 461 1st Edition Lecture 6 Outline of Last Lecture I Glycemic Index II Control of Blood Glucose III Insulin and Glucagon IV Glycogenolysis a Glycogen Phosphorylase b cAMP Outline of Current Lecture I Gluconeogenesis a Precursors II Fatty Acid Oxidation a Pyruvate Kinase Bypass III Amino Acid Metabolism IV Cori Cycle V Alanine Cycle VI Glucocorticoids a Cortisol VII Carbohydrate Metabolism During Stress Exercise a Fight Flight Response These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Current Lecture Gluconeogenesis 1 Gluconeogenesis Synthesis of glucose for non carbohydrate precursors a Precursors Glycerol Lactate Pyruvate and Amino Acids 2 Fatty Acid Oxidation a Yields Acetyl CoA b Inhibits pyruvate dehydrogenase c Initiates the Pyruvate Kinase Bypass activates pyruvate carboxylase pyruvate 3 4 5 6 7 oxaloacetate malate oxaloacetate PEP glucose Amino Acid Metabolism a Remove amine group to expose carbon backbone b Carbon backbone enters TCA cycle usually as oxaloacetate Cori Cycle Recycling of lactate and glucose a In liver lactate is converted to glucose which is transported to muscles b In muscles glucose is converted to lactate which is transported to liver Alanine Cycle Recycling of alanine and glucose a In muscles Glucose is converted to pyruvate which is converted to alanine b In liver alanine is converted to pyruvate i Pyruvate used for gluconeogenesis and is converted to glucose which is used in the muscles Glucocorticoids a Cortisol hormone that helps to control metabolism helps to raise blood glucose levels Carbohydrate Metabolism During Stress Exercise a Epinephrine is released from adrenal glands b Norepinephrine is released from muscle and liver c Epinephrine and norepinephrine trigger carbohydrate metabolism which stimulates glucose release from the liver d Fight Flight Response cortisol epinephrine and norepinephrine involved i Increases glucose and fatty acids in blood ii Glycogenesis is inhibited in liver need glucose for the muscles iii Activation of glycolysis in the muscles
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