RCC HES 1 - Stress

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Stress Stress What is Stress How is Stress Related To Disease What Systems of the Body Are Involved in the Stress Response How Can We Effectively Reduce The Stress In Our Lives Constant Stress Can Lead to Nervous Tension Aches and Pain Infectious and Chronic DISEASE and Possible DEATH Balancing Demands Stress The Nonspecific response of the body to any demand Body s Biological Response increased heart rate blood pressure cold hands feet release of stress hormones bladder intestines relax sweats dry mouth hair stands on end Body s response to stress is limited to these physiological changes no matter what the stressful situation Stressors stress producing factors Stress Response the physiological emotional changes Stress Related Diseases depression diabetes hair loss heart disease hyperthyroidism obesity obsessive compulsive or anxiety disorder sexual dysfunction tooth and gum disease ulcers cancer possibly What is stress Stress is defined as the general and emotional state that accompanies stressful events There are many causes of stress No two people are alike Either in how they experience stress or how they respond to stress IN Fact Two Terms for STRESS and TWO TYPES of STRESS Eustress coined by Dr Hans Selye Pleasant and beneficial The stimultion that helps the mind body function properly Exercise Positive emotional response Eustress Distress Eustress Distress unpleasant Negative effects rejection discrimination failure persecution loss ridicule apprehensionpain helplessness Distress Fea Distress Fea Distress Conflict Eustress Physiological effects are the same Distress Emotional component differs The point is Selye identifies the two kinds of stress The emotional component can have a profound effect on what is otherwise the same physiological function How do you know when you are overmobilizing Physical Signs 1 Pounding heart 2 Trembling w nervous tics 3 Grinding of teeth 4 Dry mouth 5 Excessive perspiration 6 Gastrointestinal problems 7 Ache in neck or lower back 8 Migraine or tension headaches 9 Frequent colds or low grade infections 10 Cold hands feet 11 Allergy or asthma attacks Outward Emotional Behavioral Signs 1 Irritability hyper excitedness depression 2 Impulsiveness aggressiveness emotio instability 3 Urge to cry or to run hide 4 Inability to concentrate general disorientatio 5 Weakness dizziness sense of unreality 6 Fatigue loss of joy of living 7 Floating Anxiety fear without an obvi reason 8 Keyed up feeling 9 Jumpy easily startled by small sounds 10 Nervous high pitched laughter choked speech Outward Emotional Behavioral Signs 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Fidgeting Increased smoking Increased use of prescription drugs Alcohol or drug addiction TV addiction Frequent feeling of boredom Sleep disturbances or excessive sleep Speech difficulties stuttering Overeating or undereating Sexual problems decreased libido Response to stress can be counter productive drinking denial smoking flight drugs withdrawal suicide Response is under control of Autonomic Nervous System independent of conscious thought controls organs glands Autonomic N S A Sympathetic mobilizes body for action B Parasympathetic calms restores Constantly interacting to maintain homeostasis Organization of the Nervous System A Sympathetic Nervous System B Parasympathetic Nervous System Know the short and long term responses Adrenal gland Kidney Epinephrine and Norepinephrine Parasympathetic Vs Sympathetic This is how these two systems affect various organs of your body Think about each of these carefully Homeostasis Can be defined as a Steady State State of stability and consistency Stressors disrupt homeostasis external and internal stimuli are the stressors Adaptive Reactions occur after fight or flight to restore homeostasis Why the Mouse Needs its Glands or Injections to Replace them During times of Extreme or Chronic Stress Placing a mouse out in freezing temperature would qualify this The Hypothalamus Releases Corticotropin Releasing Hormone or CRH CRH then stimulates the Pituitary Gland to releases AdrenocorticoTropic ACTH Hormone into the blood which stimulates the adrenal glands ACTH stimulates the Adrenal Cortex outer part of adrenal gland to release CORTISOL which is stress hormone but protects the mouse from dying from the HANS SELVE Hans Selye in 1936 Studying Rats He discovered the role of the pituitary and adrenal glands Found a predictable pattern to STRESSORS Called pleasant stressors Eustress Unpleasant stressors Distress He is also the guy who discovered that there are 3 stages of stress and coined this the General Adaptation Syndrome or GAS Alarm resistance and exhaustion General Adaptation Syndrome Figure 2 2 Alarm This is any signal that is recognized as stress This causes the activation of adrenal glands 1 2 Resistance This takes place as your body tries to adjust to the stressful event Readjustment of your body to a normal state This is called homeostasis 3 Exhaustion Once you have experienced a stressful event have you ever felt like you could sleep for days Exhaustion allows your body to heal itself and recharge its batteries If this stage is not complete sickness or death could result The Stress Response Rest state Homeostasis steady state external or internal stimulus disrupts steady state adaptive reactions to restore steady state The Stress Response ALARM Surge of emotion Rush of adrenalin Heightened sense of surroundings all of these things expend metabolic energy Alarm prepares for fight or flight GAS develops in 3 stages 1 alarm all of these expend 2 resistance metabolic energy 3 exhaustion ADAPTIVE RESISTANCE ADAPTIVE RESISTANCE Body readjusts regulating body systems for a new level of homeostasis Begins Body Repair if any During resistance a person learns to cope with newly added stress If stress ends Parasympathetic nervous system restores body to its resting state I e slows heart beat reduces perspiration etc GAS 2 Resistance Or Adaptive Stage body readjusts regulating systems begins damage repair if any if stress ends parasympathetic slows heart beat cuts off perspiration adjusts skin temp etc body Exhaustion If no end to stress alarm reaction persists Body s ability to adjust diminishes Energy is used up for fight or flight Distorted Perceptions disorganized thinking DEATH Allostatic Load The long term wear and tear of the stress response is called allostatic load This is actually your body s response to long term over exposure to cortisol High levels of cortisol

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RCC HES 1 - Stress

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