BESC 201 1st Edition Lecture 2 Outline of Last Lecture I Ecological Footprint II Easter Island III IV Experiments Ethics Outline of Current Lecture I Ethical World Views II Types of Ethics III Environmental Justice and Development Current Lecture 3 Ethical World Views 1 Anthropocentrism human centered view 2 Biocentrism human and nonhuman life view 3 Ecocentrism living and nonliving view most holistic John Muir facilitated the preservation of the Sierra Nevada Preservation ethic the environment should be protected in an unaltered state more for its own sake spiritual benefit Gifford Pinchot founded the U S Forest Service Conservation ethic people should be able to use resources but have a responsibility to use them wisely A more anthropocentric view of environmental ethics Uses am utilitarian standard we should allocate resources that provides the greatest good to the greatest number of people for the longest time sustainability These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Development ethic people are the masters of nature regardless Aldo Leopold most important philosopher in environmental ethics called on people to include The Land Ethic in their ethical framework Environmental justice fair treatment of all people with respect to environmental policy and practice Arose from perception that poor people are more exposed to environmental hazards than rich people including minorities vs whites Millennium Ecosystem Assessment the most comprehensive assessment of the condition of the world s ecological systems 2005 Sustainable development has found solutions to satisfy a triple bottom line environmental economic and social goals
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