ISU AECL 365 - Questions Behavior I

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10 27 SI A ECL 365 Behavior I 1 What is the oldest field of biological study a The study of animal behavior 2 Behavior is the action or of individuals in response to a a Reaction stimulus 3 Causes of behavior are either or a Proximate ultimate 4 What are proximate factors definition and examples a Mechanisms within the individual that operate to make the behavior possible i E g genetic developmental physiological 5 What are ultimate factors definition a Evolutionary causes why the animal has evolved those mechanisms in the first place i Selective advantage 6 What was the historical view on nature vs nurture a Behavior is due either to genes nature innate or instinctive behavior or environmental influences nurture learned behavior 7 How has that view changed a Not an either or answer most behaviors are influenced by both genes and environment b Thus the degrees of influence of genetic vs environmental influence becomes important 8 What are intra specific behaviors a Social interactions b Same species 9 Describe social interactions a Interaction between two or more animals of the same species 10 True False Solitary species never take part in social interactions a False will at some point in life reproduction 11 True False All aggregations of animals are social a False may gather in an area for comfort not to be together 12 Why do animals participate in social interactions a Not merely staying together b Interactions can be highly beneficial e g schooling in fish flocks of birds family groups c May be a division of labor e g males defend resources and protect against predators females take care of young 13 Name the types of social interactions a Reproduction courtship parental care b Altruism c Agonistic d Dominance e Territoriality 14 What are the two factions of reproduction a Courtship parental care 15 Describe courtship a Often complex ritualized behavior b Congregations common for mate selection e g leks singing male frogs 16 Describe parental care a Social interaction between parent and offspring b Many species congregate during rearing of young 17 What is altruism or altruistic behavior a Behavior that reduces the fitness of the individual performing the behavior but increases the fitness of other individual s b Self sacrifice c Usually directed to family members close relatives d Individual compensates direct fitness loss thru indirect fitness gains e inclusive fitness direct fitness indirect fitness 18 True False Most social behaviors are selfish a True 19 What are agonistic behaviors a Contests involving both threatening aggressive submissive behavior determines which competitor gains access to resource b Often highly ritualized symbolic 20 What are aggressive displays a Convey info about contenders b Levels of intensity displays chase attack c Evolved to minimize expenditure of energy reduce chance of injury 21 Contests may result in dominance a Hierarchy 22 Which individuals in a group are generally more dominant a oldest individual is usually dominant until overpowered by younger rival 23 What is an advantage of a dominance hierarchy a saves energy for top bottom individuals by reducing the incidence of intense conflicts 24 What is territoriality a Individuals defend an area to exclude other members of species i for feeding mating rearing young etc 25 What is effective social organization dependent upon a Unambiguous communication among individuals 26 What are examples of these modes of communication a Chemical cues pheromones b Sight c Sound d Tactile signals e Electrical signals 27 What are benefits of being social a Facilitates mate finding b Synchronizes reproductive behavior and caring for young c Allows sharing of resources d Improved defense against predators e Division of labor 28 What are costs of being social a More difficult to hide from predators b Increased competition for food mates when they are scarce c Increased rates of parasitism and disease 29 What are the parts to understanding behavior a Observation experiment theory i Field natural environment ii Lab controlled conditions b Experiment units and controls look for a change in behavior based on manipulations 30 What are the axioms of behavior a Is one of the most important biological systems b Behaviors have evolved from nervous system c Natural selection has favored those behaviors that increase individual fitness and survival d Behavior is adaptive to particular to particular environmental conditions e Can be flexible and adaptable to changing environments

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ISU AECL 365 - Questions Behavior I

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