MIT 18 310 - HOMEWORK -18.310

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18 310 Homework 1 Due Friday September 16 1 Verify that one can have a good non adaptive scheme for n 11 through 13 coins by producing a three row matrix without a good coin having n columns obeying the conditions that rows have sum 0 no two columns are the same or negative of each other for each of these values of n Hint you can without great effort produce 4 groups of 3 columns each so that each group of 3 sums to 0 and also the all 0 column These will handle the cases of 12 and 13 coins To get the 11 case you may take the 12 solution add a missing column and omit two columns that add up to it 2 Write a program or build a spreadsheet for finding one bad coin out of 13 coins without a good coin using three weighings You can do this with a spreadsheet in pseudocode in a programming language or within Maple Mathematica or MATLAB The input should be a list of the weights of the coins and the output should be the number of the coin that is bad For Maple Mathematica or MATLAB it may be useful to realize that the sign of the dot product of the list of weights of coins and the kth row will tell you how much more the left pan weighs than the right pan on the k weighing For a spreadsheet the sum if and or functions may be useful 3 Consider the following not terribly efficient sorting algorithm a place the n numbers to be sorted in a n n array b sort each of the columns in increasing order c sort each of the rows in increasing order At this point both the rows and columns should be in increasing order d Repeat d1 and d2 until the array is empty d1 The top left position is the smallest of the objects in the array Remove it and place it in a list d2 Now slide either the element directly below the empty square or the element directly to its right into its position so that all the columns and rows are still in increasing order There is now a new empty square Fill it using the same sliding process and repeat until all empty squares are together in the lower right of the array 3 1 What is in big O notataion that is up to a multiplicative constant the asymptotic running time of the algorithm Does it matter how you perform the sorting in steps b and c 1 3 2 Show that after step c both the rows and columns are in increasing order as claimed Hint Consider columns j and j 1 Show that the kth smallest element in column j is smaller than the kth smallest element in column j 1 3 3 Does this sorting algorithm resemble any of the four that I described in class Explain any similarities 3 4 The sorting algorithm as described above seems difficult to implement in place That is only using a small amount of extra memory in addition to the original n memory cells taken by the items to be sorted Show how you can modify the algorithm described above to implement it in place Hint Modify step d1 so that instead of leaving the top left square empty in step d1 you stick the rightmost element of the lowest non empty row in it How does step d2 need to be modified 2

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MIT 18 310 - HOMEWORK -18.310

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