ISU AECL 365 - Worksheet 3

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9 8 SI A ECL 365 Worksheet 3 1 Reptiles are MORE LESS adapted to terrestrial life 2 What was the single most influential development of vertebrates prompting the move from water to land What broke the vertebrates tie to water 3 What was the age of reptiles 4 Name the 4 extant orders of reptiles 5 True False Reptiles are a monophyletic group 6 Name 3 characteristics of Reptiles 7 Most reptiles have a chambered heart 8 Discuss Anthracosaurs 9 Circle one Temnospondyls or Anthracosaurs were more terrestrial 10 What is kinesis 11 Name the stem amniote group that constituted the ancestral stock for all other reptiles 12 Describe the amniotic egg 13 Fenestra stands for in Latin 14 Name the 3 amniote conditions relating to skull fenestration and describe them 15 Skull fenestration serves what purposes 16 What was the dominant terrestrial vertebrate grouping from the Permian Triassic period 17 Turtles have a covering their backs and a covering their ventral surface 18 is the largest turtle found 12 15 ft across 19 Name the two major groups of Diapsids 20 Name the two extinct orders within Lepidosauria 21 What reptile is considered a living fossil and where is it found 22 Lizards are Anapsid Synapsid Diapsid 23 Name the three traditional old suborders of squamata 24 Name the two squamate lineages currently supported and what reptiles are in each lineage 25 and are nested within Scleroglossa 26 Name 3 characteristics of Lacertilia 27 True False All snakes are terrestrial 28 Dinosaurs were dominant and were Anapsid Synapsid Diapsid 29 Name the orders of stem archosaurs 30 Name 3 characteristics of Order Pterosauria 31 Name and describe the two body forms of Order Saurischia 32 What possible reasons explain why dinosaurs died out and other species did not 33 True False Reptiles are Polyphyletic

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ISU AECL 365 - Worksheet 3

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