TAMU COMM 335 - Philosophy behind study of culture
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COMM 335 1ST Edition Lecture 6 Outline of Last Lecture I Three approaches to studying intercultural communication a The Social Science Approach b The interpretive Approach c The Critical Approach II Six Dialectics of Intercultural Communication a Cultural individual dialectic b Personal contextual dialectic c Differences similarities dialectic d Static dynamic dialectic e History past present future dialectic f Privilege disadvantage dialectic Outline of Current Lecture I Philosophy behind study of culture II Intercultural communication studies III Culture IV Dialectical approach V High culture vs low culture Current Lecture I Philosophy behind study of culture a Worldview underlying assumptions about nature of reality and human behavior b Ontology particular branch of philosophy dealing with the nature of being or the kinds of existence What is real c Epistemology particular branch of philosophy dealing with the nature of knowing or the kinds of knowledge What is knowable d Axiology dealing with the nature types and criteria of values and of value judgments especially in ethics What is valuable Who determines value These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute II III IV V VI Our worldview shapes how we theorize how we create abstractions of the social world how we describe and understand the social world from a particular point of view Intercultural communication studies interdisciplinary field in which perspectives from anthropology linguistics semiotics and cultural studies can be selectively drawn on to examine interaction between people from diverse cultures a Three approaches i Functionalism ii Interpretivism iii Critical theory Culture core concept in intercultural communication functions at a subconscious level Difficult to recognize our own culture Different definitions Centrality of culture in our own interactions Frames ideas and perceptions Dialectical approach looks at culture with multiple definitions a Social science focus on cultural influences on communication b Interpretive researchers focus on cultural patterns within specific contexts c Critical researchers view communication and the power to communicate as instrumental in resisting power and oppression High Culture vs Low Culture shared and learned pattern of belief and perception Shared cultural patters from ethnography issue marginalized voices and experiences culture as a contested zone Ex fine art vs graffiti

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TAMU COMM 335 - Philosophy behind study of culture

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 2
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