TAMU COMM 335 - Approaches to studying intercultural communication
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COMM 335 1ST Edition Lecture 5 Outline of Last Lecture I Relativity versus Universality II Dialogical Approach III Developing Self Reflexivity Outline of Current Lecture I Three approaches to studying intercultural communication a The Social Science Approach b The interpretive Approach c The Critical Approach II Six Dialectics of Intercultural Communication a Cultural individual dialectic b Personal contextual dialectic c Differences similarities dialectic d Static dynamic dialectic e History past present future dialectic f Privilege disadvantage dialectic Current Lecture I II The Social Science Approach A study of intercultural communication also called the social science approach based on the assumptions that 1 there is a describable external reality 2 human behaviors are predictable and 3 culture is a variable that can be measured a This approach aims to identify and explain cultural variations in communication and to predict future communication b Use quantitative methods by gathering data by administering questionnaires or observing subjects firsthand The interpretive approach an approach to intercultural communication that aims to understand and describe human behavior within specific cultural groups based on the assumptions that 1 human experience is subjective 2 human behavior is creative rather than determined or easily predicted and 3 culture is created and maintained through communication These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute III IV V VI VII VIII IX a Uses ethnography which examines the patterned interactions and significant symbols of specific cultural groups to identify the cultural norms that guide their behaviors usually based on field studies b Also use qualitative methods which are derived from anthropology and linguistics such as field studies observations and participant observations The critical approach A metatheoretical approach that includes many assumptions of the interpretive approach but that focuses more on macro contexts such as the political and social structures that influence communication a Use textual analyses which examine cultural texts such as media television movies and journalistic essays and so on Cultural individual dialectic Sandra a fifth generation Italian American tends to be expressive like other members of her family However some of her communication patterns are completely idiosyncratic that is particular to her and no one else Personal contextual dialectic When Tom was teaching at a Belgian University he often spoke from the social role of a professor But this role did not correspond exactly to the same role in the United States because Belgian students accord their professors far more respect and distance than do U S students Differences similarities dialectic Japanese and U S Americans communicate differently just as do men and women However there also are many similarities in human experiences and ways of communicating Static dynamic dialectic Anti immigrant sentiment traditionally has been a culture constant in the U S although the groups and conditions of discrimination have changed Thus the antagonism against Irish and Italian immigrants that existed at the turn of the 20th century has largely disappeared but may linger in the minds of some people History past present future dialectic Without understanding the history of the Jim Crow laws can we truly comprehend the African American experience in the U S today The history of each cultural group plays a major role in the present role of that group Privilege disadvantage dialectic Many tourists are in the position of economic privilege because they can afford to travel but in their travels they also may be disadvantaged if they do not speak the local language

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TAMU COMM 335 - Approaches to studying intercultural communication

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 3
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