TAMU COMM 335 - Globalization
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COMM 335 1ST Edition Lecture 3 Outline of Last Lecture II Changing Immigration Patterns a Heterogeneous b Homogenous c Diversity d Immigrants III Relationships with new immigrants a Anglo centrism b Melting pot c Nativistic Outline of Current Lecture IV Globalization V Colonialism VI Identity Culture and Technology VII The Economic Imperative a Multinational Corporations b Maquiladoras VIII The Technology Imperative a Global Village b Diasporic groups Current Lecture I II III IV V Globalization To make worldwide in scope or application Colonialism a way in which a nation controls another nation Identity Management The way individuals make sense of their multiple images concerning the sense of self in different social contexts Identity Tourism A concept that refers to people taking on the identities of other races genders classes or sexual orientations for recreational purposes Multinational Corporations Companies that have operations in two or more nations These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute VI VII VIII Maquiladoras Assembly plants or factories mainly of U S companies established on the U S Mexican border and using mainly Mexican labor These companies benefit from lower labor costs tax breaks and relaxed environmental regulations Global Village a term coined by Marshall McLuhan in the 1960s that refers to a world in which communication technology unites people in remote parts of the world Diasporic Groups Ethnic and or national groups that are geographically dispersed throughout the world The internet can be used to strengthen a sense of identity for these groups

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TAMU COMM 335 - Globalization

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 2
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