Health Science HES 1 Norco College of RCCD Spring 2012 Instructor Diane Olin Email Diane Olin rccd edu Website http academic rcc edu olin hes1 jsp Meet Tuesdays 6 9 10 pm West Quad Room 6 Course Description Health science HES 1 is a basic study of the anatomy and physiology of the body emphasizing modern concepts of prevention treatment and cure of degenerative and communicable diseases More specifically lecture topics will include scientific aspects of health ranging from the introduction to wellness and health weight management and nutrition alcohol tobacco and drug addiction cardiovascular health the reproductive system and STDs immunity and disease Cancer and special topics This course satisfies the California requirement in drug alcohol tobacco and nutrition education for teacher certification 54 lecture hours Materials Required Text Core Concepts in Health 12th Edition Paul M Insel Walton T Roth ISBN 139780077496039 Large Edition Please Do Not Purchase the Brief Edition Scantrons Parscore versions full sheet for Midterm exams Scantrons for quizzes TBA Student Learning Objectives Upon successful completion of the course students will be able to Define wellness in terms of basic health strategies including the identity and analysis of behaviors that relate to a healthy lifestyle and discuss methods available to assess behavioral change strategies related to health and wellness Describe basic anatomical and physiological functions and pathological conditions of the human body and their relation to health and the human environment Recall and interpret components of physical mental emotional environmental social and interpersonal aspects of health and wellness Comprehend and discuss current health issues with emphasis on preventative health care Evaluate the impact of psychoactive drugs alcohol and tobacco on physiological and psychological aspects of personal health and societal interaction Make sound decisions regarding healthcare practices and healthcare providers 1 Policies General Etiquette is not permitted Some of the topics discussed may be of a sensitive nature You are expected to behave in a mature and collegial manner Please be courteous of others Please do NOT eat during lecture In addition no food or drink will be allowed in the room We will have designated break times every hour and you may eat your food and drink at that time outside Attendance I reserve the right to drop students who miss the first class meeting or are excessively absent I consider missing more than 3 class sessions to be excessive Usually the only time I drop students is during the first two weeks allowing students who are on the waitlist to fill empty spots After that it is your responsibility to drop this class if you so desire Never depend on your instructor to drop you Even if you stopped coming after the first day make sure you drop yourself because I most likely will not do it for you Because there is a high demand for this class if you are absent AT ALL during the first 3 class meetings please let me know if you would like to remain in the class If I do not hear from you in a timely manner I may drop you and add another student from the waitlist Any student enrolled in this course after the last day to drop will receive a letter grade Attendance is very important My philosophy is that since you knowingly signed up for this time slot you planned on being here at each class session Coming late to class is disrespectful to your instructor and fellow students and will not be tolerated If you do come late or are absent it is your responsibility to obtain whatever information you may have missed and ask me about any handouts that may have been passed out Tardiness will also have a negative impact on your quiz and exam scores If you must be absent please note that there are no makeup quizzes and only one exam can be replaced during the semester see details below Grading Policy Remember You get the grade you earn Tentative Point Breakdown 3 Lecture Exams 100 points each 300 pts Final Lecture Exam 200 pts Approx 5 quizzes 100 pts Article Critique 50 pts 700 pts Total Points Letter grades will be assigned based on total percentage of possible points earned for lecture A range 90 100 B range 80 89 C range 68 79 D range 58 67 F 58 Lecture Exams There will be 3 lecture exams covering lecture material each comprehensive portion questions The exams may be composed of all of the following types of multiple choice fill in the blank matching true false definitions labeling diagrams drawing diagrams short answer and essay etc 2 I take time to create exams that are fair and reflect what I taught in class Since it is usually impractical to create an equivalent make up exam I do not give make up exams Any exam you miss will result in a score of zero Should you realize ahead of time that you will miss an exam with good reason it is your responsibility to notify me before the exam we may be able to make arrangements for you to take the exam early If you miss a lecture exam because of an emergency or you are ill or even if you don t do very well on one of the first three exams have no fear I will replace your lowest lecture exam score with the percentage you earn on the final exam if it is higher than your lowest score on lecture exams 1 3 But this may happen only ONCE Missing more than one exam REGARDLESS OF THE EXCUSE will result in a grade of F for the course Please be on time for exams it is discourteous to others to come late because it is distracting to have someone else walk in late and get settled Also you will have less time to complete your exam If you arrive more than 30 minutes late for an exam you will not be allowed to take it so if transportation is an issue for you plan to be here early on exam days Also make sure your cell phones are turned off and you use the restroom before you start the exam And please bring ID to the first exam I ll explain Once you begin you will not be allowed to leave until you are finished with the exam no exceptions Quizzes There will be several quizzes They will be similar to exams but shorter about 1020 minutes I do not give make up quizzes If you are late to class on a quiz day you will only have whatever time remains to finish your quiz or you will receive a zero if you missed the quiz entirely Article Critique Assignments information will be in a handout to follow Late Work Assignments are due at the BEGINNING of class unless I state otherwise Assignments that are
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