Syllabus ASTR 1102 002 Stellar Astronomy Fall Semester 2008 TTh 10 40 AM 12 00 PM 119 Nicholson Hall Instructor Joel E Tohline Alumni Professor tohline lsu edu Prerequisites MATH 1021 or ACT mathematics score of at least 21 Description Fundamental principles of stellar astronomy www phys lsu edu tohline courses astr1102 Textbook Required Universe 8th Edition Roger A Freedman and William J Kaufmann III Calendar http www phys lsu edu tohline courses astr1102 calendar shtml This course will be divided in time into four roughly equal segments with the culmination of each segment being an examination The accompanying calendar identifies which class periods will fall into each course segment and specifies precisely when each exam will be given It also gives you a rough idea of what material from the textbook will be included on each exam But please keep in mind that you will also be responsible for material that is discussed during each class period related to the topics listed on this calendar but that is not necessarily included in the textbook Evaluation of Coursework Your grade in this course will be based on your overall performance on four in class exams three during the regular semester plus the final exam Here are the dates of each exam along with the percentage weight that each exam will count toward your final grade No makeup work will be permitted in place of these exams so PLEASE BE PRESENT IN CLASS ON EACH OF THESE EXAM DATES 23 23 23 31 EXAM 1 23 September EXAM 2 16 October EXAM 3 11 November Tuesday 9 December from 12 30 2 30 PM NOTE This final exam session has been set by the LSU Registrar s Office and is subject to revision so please double check the date and time shortly before the week of final exams Grade Scale subject to a slight curve F D C B A below 50 50 62 63 75 76 87 88 100 Tohline s Habits Office Location 247 Nicholson Hall Office Phone 578 6851 Office Hours Tuesdays and Wednesdays 1 30 PM 2 30 PM or by appointment NOTE Final Exam Time corrected after class 26 August 2008 NOTE Date for Exam 1 changed after hurricane Gustav 9 September 2008
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