GSU THEA 2040 - Audience Behavior
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Thea 2040 1st Edition Lecture 3 Outline of Last Lecture I Everyday events that are theatrical a Theatrical elements in every day events II Theatrical Relations of Television III Elements of Theater seen in different types of Television shows IV Forms of Entertainment Media Outline of Current Lecture V Essential of Elements of Theatre VI Two types of experiences during a performance VII Two types of theater VIII Theatre of the Oppressed IX Willing suspension of Disbelief X Questions for a Critic XI Dramaturg Current Lecture I Two essential elements of Theatre a Audience b Performers II Biggest difference between film and theatre a Film is not live Theater is There is Personal Contact III Examples of Solitary experiences a Painting b Sculpture c Literature IV During a theatre performance 2 types of experiences are happening a Individual Experience b Group Experience V The collective mind These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute a An intangible communion with those around us VI In terms of audience actor there are two types of theater a Observed theater audience participates vicariously or empathetically onstage imagination b Participatory theater audience participates in theater event i Rituals ii Ceremonies iii Contemporary theaters iv African Native American theaters VII Empathy a The experience of mentally or emotional entering into the feelings or spirit of another person b Feeling with the actor VIII Theater of the Oppressed 1931 2009 a Created by Augusto Boal b Philosophy his goal was to eliminate the distinction between audience members and performers c Aesthetic distance i Separation distance from art to perceive and appreciate its existence or judge it or gain a different perspective ii You can t be a performer and spectator at the same time iii Audience must use their imagination IX Willing suspension of disbelief a It is up to the audience to use their imagination to make the theatrical performance come alive b Acceptance of quasi reality i Ghosts witches etc X Questions for a critic a What is the play and the production attempting to do b How well have the intensions of the playwright been carried out c Is the play or production worth doing XI Dramaturg a Dramatic Advisor b Person who often serves a theater company as a resident or in house critics c Helps actors and entire production team to enter into world of the play

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GSU THEA 2040 - Audience Behavior

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 2
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