GSU THEA 2040 - Entertainment Media
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Theater 2040 1st Edition Lecture 2 Outline of Last Lecture I Forms predicted to kill live theater II Theater survived the 20th Century III Art a Categories of Art IV 6 Elements of Theater V 4 Design Elements Outline of Current Lecture VI Everyday events that are theatrical a Theatrical elements in every day events VII Theatrical Relations of Television VIII Elements of Theater seen in different types of Television shows IX Forms of Entertainment Media Current Lecture I Everyday events that are theatrical a A wedding b A funeral c Thanksgiving day parade d Senate hearing II Theatrical elements in everyday events a Costumes or uniforms a ritualistic structure performers or spectators III Theatrical relations on television a Structure b Dynamics These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute c Subject matter IV Types of characters found in all theater film and TV a Heroes b Villains c Victims d Comic figures V Structure of story found in all theater film and TV a 1 Early Scenes b 2 Succession of crisis c 3 Withholding info d 4 Revealing info VI Elements of theater can be seen in these types of TV shows a Soap Operas i Suspensful moment concludes each segment ii Heightened music and emotions iii Recognizable character types b Nighttime Hospital Police Shows i Sterotypical characters ii Focus on the spectacular and grotesque iii Neat and happy resolutions c Saturday Night Live i Focus on domestic situations ii Language with sexual double meaning iii Physical humor iv Recognizable situations d Reality Tv i Sense of dramatic tension ii Ongoing suspense iii Heightened conflict among participants VII Rock n Roll Rap Punk Rock Pop artists create theatrical characterizations with a 1 Costumes b 2 Props c 3 Makeup VIII Forms of Entertainment Media are categorized in two different groups a Entertainment observed through a screen i Movies TV Films on Computers Etc ii Similar to theater because 1 There is a spectator 2 A viewer observing drama 3 Depict dramatic fare iii Different from theater because 1 Object scene is not a group of live actors 2 Audience has no effect on it b Entertainment observed in person i Rock performances amusement parks theme restaurants half time shows at football games ii Similar to Theater because 1 Live happening at the same time they are observed iii Different from Theater because 1 Content makes no pretense of being a dramatic production IX Definition of theater a Theater is a unique theatrical production that requires a stage and a live audience X What occurs between the actor and the audience in Theater performance a The audience observes responds and is involved with the actors on stage

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GSU THEA 2040 - Entertainment Media

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 4
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