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DCTE CLUSTER Nova Southeastern University Graduate School of Computer and Information Sciences Course Syllabus DCTE 720 820 Human Computer Interaction Core and project 3 and 4 credits 2004 Spring Term March 5 2004 August 3 2004 Cluster Format Professor Laurie P Dringus Ph D Professor Graduate School of Computer and Information Sciences Nova Southeastern University Carl DeSantis Building 4th floor 3100 College Avenue Ft Lauderdale FL 33314 7796 email laurie nsu nova edu Office location fourth floor room 4073 Office 954 262 2073 Fax 954 262 3915 Class Location and Format Cluster March 5 7 2004 June 4 6 2004 and online Course Internet address http scis nova edu nova hci top html In text form from the scis system type hci at your system prompt Course Descriptions DCTE 720 Human Computer Interaction 3 credits Techniques facilitating effective human computer interaction are presented Basic elements procedures tools and environments contributing to the development of a successful user interface are explored Design principles guidelines and methodologies for building installing managing interactive systems that optimize user productivity are reviewed Topics include the multidisciplinary dynamics of human computer interaction current and projected developments in HCI research usability engineering computer supported cooperative work and strategies for implementing and evaluating human computer dialogues DCTE 820 Project in Human Computer Interaction 4 credits Students produce a research paper or project on a current topic in HCI Some topics of current interest include interface quality and evaluation computer system and computer interface architecture user and task analysis advancements in usability engineering Internet based user interface design issues legal and ethical aspects of computing speech interfaces agent technology handheld and wearable technology and computer supported cooperative work 1 Required Textbooks Book information A general text and access to the CHI conference proceedings are both required General HCI text Choose one of the following Preece J Rogers Y Sharp H 2002 Interaction design Beyond human computer interaction John Wiley and Sons ISBN 0 471 49278 1 OR Shneiderman Ben 1998 Designing the User Interface Strategies for Effective HumanComputer Interaction Addison Wesley Third Edition ISBN 0 201 69497 2 AND Conference Proceedings Access to one of the latest ACM SIGCHI conference proceedings 2003 or 2002 The most recent proceedings should be available through the ACM store http www acm org Most likely ACM is the only source to purchase the proceedings as the NSU book store will not supply this However earlier proceedings may be available through the normal book supplier channels Students should not order the extended abstracts The conference proceedings are also available electronically through the ACM Digital Library CHI 2003 Conference Proceedings ACM Press 2003 ISBN 1 58113 630 7 CHI 2002 Conference Proceedings ACM Press 2002 ISBN 1 58113 453 3 AND Human Computer Interaction Selected Articles from ACM the list of recommended reading of articles is contained the Course Guide 2 Objectives Exit Competencies Upon completion of the 720 course the student will 1 Gain insight into the field of human computer interaction 2 Understand how interface design practices and methods can be integrated with user centered principles and methods now being employed 3 Consider the human computer interaction requirements of educational technology 4 Identify current trends in HCI research 5 Understand the difficulties and pitfalls of translating theory and principles derived from research findings into practical advice on user centered design 6 Apply metaphorical reasoning and conceptual models to user interface design 7 Explore strategies for improving web site usability 8 Explore suitable techniques for collecting users requirements and analyzing tasks 9 Become familiar with the major aspects of usability evaluation 10 Be able to conduct usability analyses and evaluate software and hardware interfaces 11 Synthesize the critical and current literature pertaining to the field and study of HCI 12 Write scholarly article reviews and quality papers related to HCI 13 In online discussions highlight progressively higher level ideas Upon completion of the 820 course the student will 1 Delve deeply into a specific area of HCI research and design and either develop a prototype HCI system or write a research paper on an HCI area of current research Possible Course Topics summary Human Computer Interaction as an emerging field Human Information Processing User experience levels Interaction styles and general design Interaction strategies Interface metaphors and conceptual models Online documentation and help systems HCI and the World Wide Web Accessibility of User Interfaces Task analysis Usability engineering and evaluation Agent technology Collaborative systems groupware coordination technology Research in HCI Instruction Methods and Tools Students will use ESET to submit coursework No email attachments of assignments or faxed assignments will be accepted unless pre approved by the professor Students will use the asynchronous Student Forums throughout the term to contribute to online class discussions 3 DCTE 720 Cluster Format CORE Course Requirements Cluster Activities Selected topics listed above will be introduced through lecture and discussions during cluster meetings The concepts and applications presented in lecture are major issues covered in the required texts and other HCI resources In addition students will have the opportunity to further investigate areas of their own interests Sources will be discussed that provide advanced approaches to human computer interaction and user interface design Cluster activities may include but will not necessarily be limited to professor presentations class group discussions student volunteer informal presentations of journal observation entries arranged prior to the second cluster meeting all depending on time and resources available Students are required to attend all cluster meetings Online Course Activities Students will contribute to Student Forums an asynchronous Webbased conferencing forum throughout the term Steady contributions throughout the term will count as points toward the class participation grade See the section on Student Forums in the addendum course guide for instructions on accessing and contributing to the online conference

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