VCU RELS 108 - Hierophany, hierophany patterns, time, cosmology
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RELS108 1st Edition Lecture 5 Outline of Last Lecture The nature of the sacred sacred manifestations Outline of Current Lecture I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII XIII XIV Hierophany manifestation of the sacred Eliade says humans become aware of th sacred bcause it manifests itself as something totally different from the profane Something sacred shows itself to us Goes for the most primitive to developed religions Basic and supreme hierophanies All nature is capable of revealing itself as sacred cosmos 3 hierophany patterns all religions contain elements of the 3 some are just more common than others a Prophetic person prophet receives revelation that deals with the spiritual community found in Judaism and Islam b Sacramental presence of the sacred in and through material reality immanent not transcendent found in tribal religions native traditions Japanese Shinto and Christianity c Mystical being in a certain state of consciousness in search of enlightenment emphasizes direct experience found in Buddhism and Hinduism Sacred manifestations also break through in people Founders of a tradition are always considered sacred a Example i Lao Tzu Taoism ii Confucius Confucianism iii Moses Judaism Archetype primary pattern a Example of someone who manifests sacramental Jesus b Example of someone who manifests mystical Buddha Sacred ideal in Buddhism is Bodhisattva Bodhisattva being who is awake sacred person Bodhi citta awake mind Messiah Greek Cristos means anointed These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute XV XVI XVII XVIII XIX XX XXI XXII XXIII XXIV XXV XXVI XXVII Jesus is regarded as incarnation of Logos Logos the eternal hierophany Hierophany can be found in sacred objects a Objects include rosaries relics foods clothing etc Zen tea ceremony Christianity sacraments bread and whine Transubstantiation whether or not bread and wine becomes body and blood Sacred can also manifest itself in time Ancient Greeks had 2 types of time a Chronos linear and sequential beginning middle and end b Kairos time feels right the right time moment of indeterminate time where something special occurs window of time for someone to participate in something open dimension Linear time symbol is an arrow seen in Christianity Judaism and Islam Cyclical Time symbol is a boomerang patterns cycles universe has neither beginning nor end seen in Buddhism Hinduism Jainism and Seikhism Cosmology study of the universe and its origins and fate Cosmos order Cosmology asks 4 essential questions a Origin where did this universe come from b Material what is it composed of c Purpose does the universe have a reason for existing Teleology d Consciousness why are thing conscious Does consciousness have a purpose i Epistemology study of knowing what does it mean to know How do we know

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VCU RELS 108 - Hierophany, hierophany patterns, time, cosmology

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 2
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