TAMU COMM 335 - The imperatives to understanding intercultural communication
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COMM 335 1ST Edition Lecture 1 Outline of Last Lecture I Went over the syllabus Outline of Current Lecture II The self awareness imperative III Imperatives for better understanding intercultural communication A Demographics B Economics C Peace D Ethics E Self Consciousness Reflexivity F Technology Current Lecture I II Ethnocentrism a tendency to think that our own culture is superior to other cultures This means that we assume subconsciously that the way we do things is the only way Demographics Characteristics of population especially classified by age sex and income With the United States becoming more and more diverse there is a possibility that you will come into contact with many people with diverse backgrounds and experiences III Economics Social science concerned chiefly with description and analysis of production distribution and consumption of goods and services The United States does business with many other countries and in order to compete effectively Americans must understand how business is conducted in other countries IV Peace A state of tranquility or quiet Freedom from civil disturbance These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute V Ethics Discipline dealing with what is good and bad and with moral duty and obligation The morals and values are different in every culture and being able to communicate intercultural will help identify what morals and values a culture may have VI Self Consciousness Reflexivity Ability to look at oneself others and the worlds in which we live from a distance or particular perspective VII Technology Application of specific logic or technique to the domain of human activity and behavior Communication Technology Device tool or technique used to help accomplish the exchange of messages

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TAMU COMM 335 - The imperatives to understanding intercultural communication

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 2
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