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RFIC DESIGN ELEN 351 Lecture 11 Project Design Reviews Dr Allen Sweet Copyright 2003 ELEN351 The material which must be included in your design review State your project s specifications Present your proposed design Present your lumped element schematic diagram and simulations What specifications are not met and why Present your layout how is performance affected by layout parasitic elements What specifications are not met Propose possible fixes What off chip elements are needed with your design How can their number be reduced Copyright 2003 ELEN351 How much will your chip cost to manufacture For Reference RFIC Design Process Steps Specifications Identify Topology options literature search Choose a Foundry Obtain Foundry s Device Models and Design Rules Initial Simulations Choose final Topology Stability Analysis Amplifiers only Temperature Analysis Copyright 2003 ELEN351 RFIC Design Process Steps Continued Initial Layout Include all Layout Parasitic elements in Topology Minimize Layout Area Preserving Performance The Art of the Trade Off Complete Final Layout Create Test Cells for Critical Circuit Blocks DRC at the Foundry Assemble the Reticle Tapeout Mask Making Wafer Fabrication Copyright 2003 ELEN351

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SCU ELEN 351 - Lecture 11 - Project Design Reviews

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