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Out of Sample Forecasting Experiment Out of sample forecasting experiments are used by forecasters to determine if a proposed leading indicator is potentially useful for forecasting a target variable The steps for conducting an out of sample forecasting experiment are as follows 1 Divide the available data on the target variable yt here we assume yt is stationary and the proposed leading indicator xt likewise we assume that xt is stationary into two parts the in sample data set roughly 80 of the data and the out of sample data set the remaining 20 of the entire data set 2 In consultation with the person who will be using your forecasts choose an appropriate forecast horizon and loss function for the forecasting experiment The forecast horizon is the number of steps ahead that one is most interested in forecasting the target variable For example if a person is in charge of managing the inventory of a firm she might be only interested in obtaining accurate forecasts of sales one period ahead and the appropriate forecast horizon would be h 1 On the other hand if interest centers on the sales that will be present 8 periods from now just in time for the completion of a new manufacturing facility then the appropriate forecast horizon for the out of sample forecasting experiment would be h 8 3 Once you have chosen the in sample data set you should use it to choose two competing forecasting models The first model you should build is a BoxJenkins model for the target variable y t and then separately build a Transfer Function model for y t that includes your proposed leading indicator xt It is these two competing models that you are going to run an out of sample horserace with 4 To run a horserace i e forecasting competition between these two models you must roll each model through the out of sample data set one observation at a time while each time forecasting the target variable the chosen h periods ahead h is the forecast horizon of interest The term rolling means that you re estimate the parameters coefficients of each model with one more observation added to your estimation data each time you forecast the target variable h periods ahead 5 While you are rolling your competing models through the out of sample data set forecasting h periods ahead you need to record the errors of each model each time your forecast Knowing the errors of each model say etBJ and etTF and the particular loss function that our boss has chosen for us say L et we can calculate the respective loss for the Box Jenkins model L etBJ associated with a given forecast and the loss for the Transfer Function model L etTF for a given forecast Let t 0 denote the last time period in the in sample data set h be the chosen forecast horizon T be the total number of observations available the sum of the number of observations in the insample and out of sample data set and M be the number of observations reserved for the out of sample data set It then follows that the in sample data set contains T M data points and we can forecast M h 1 times when rolling the competing forecasting models through the out of sample data set and with the chosen forecast horizon being h steps ahead Likewise when we roll the two competing models through the out of sample data set we will correspondingly have M h 1 losses associated with the Box Jenkins model L etBJ t t 0 h L T and M h 1 losses associated with the Transfer Function model L etTF t t 0 h L T 6 Now to decide the winner of the horserace between the BJ and TF models we must calculate the Average Loss associated with the two models that occurs over the M h 1 forecasts produced by each model These Average Losses are calculated as the sample average of the M h 1 losses associated with the M h 1 forecasts produced by each forecasting model namely L etBJ T L e t t 0 h BJ t M h 1 TF t M h 1 and L etTF T L e t t0 h Therefore the winner of the forecasting competition is the model that produces the smallest Average Loss in the out of sample forecasting experiment If L etBJ L etTF the BJ model is the winner and one would conclude that the leading indicator used in the TF model was not potent enough to offer a forecasting accuracy gain We should then begin a search for a better leading indicator to use On the other hand if L etTF L etBJ the TF model is the winner and we can conclude that we have found a leading indicator that is useful for forecasting the target variable y t and we as economists have beaten the statistician in forecasting since he she is not aware of the leading indicator and in adopting the Box Jenkins model is working without it 7 In case the boss does not have a specific loss function to describe the losses associated with forecast errors one can always adopt the standard average loss functions MAE and MSE The Mean Absolute Error MAE average loss function is defined as MAE T e t t0 h t M h 1 The Mean Squared Error MSE average loss function is defined as MSE T e t t0 h 2 t M h 1 The forecasting method that has the smallest MAE and MSE average losses in the out of sample forecasting experiment is then the superior forecasting method If one forecasting method has a better MAE measure while the other forecasting method has the better MSE method then you have a split decision Then the only way you can determine a winner between the two competing forecasting models is to break down and choose one of the average loss functions to base your choice on either the MAE average loss function or the MSE average loss function

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SMU ECO 5375 - Out-of-Sample Forecasting Experiment

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