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BLOOD Textbook Chapter 13 pages 403 411 730 BLOOD FUNCTIONS Transport Immunity later in semester Hemostasis Homeostasis BLOOD Volume in L approx 6 8 OF BODY WEIGHT in Kg 4 5 6 0 L BLOOD COMPONENTS Plasma Vs Serum Proteins Lipids Carbohydrates Ions Water Cellular Leukocytes Polymorphonuclear or granulocytes Neutrophil Basophil Eosinophil Monomorphonuclear or agranulocytes Monocytes m Lymphocytes ERYTHROCYTES ERYTHROCYTE 7 8 m RBC MEN 4 5 6 5 x 10 cells l WOMEN 3 8 5 8 x 10 cells l 6 6 HEMATOCRIT HEMATOCRIT PLASMA BLOOD 100 RBCs 39 47 2 5 m Blood Properties Hematocrit 42 5 47 5 Density or specific gravity 1 050 g ml Viscosity 3 5 5 5 x H2O Erythrocyte sedimentation rate 2 8 mm hr HEMOGLOBIN 2 3 X10 8 molecules RBC 12 16 gms 100 mls of BLOOD Fig 13 2 WHY PUT HEMOGLOBIN IN A CELL O2 Hb Hb O2 4 98 of O in blood is bound to Hb 1 34 mls O gm of Hb 20 1 mls of O carried 100 mls blood 2 2 2 ADULT HEMOGLOBIN HbA Fig 13 2 MW 64 458 4 polypeptide chains 2 pairs 2 141 amino acids 2 146 amino acids 4 heme groups Porphyrin Iron OTHER TYPES OF Hb HbF Fetal Hemoglobin 2 either 2 OR 2 CHAINS High affinity for oxygen HbS Replace 6 amino acid glutamic acid with valine in chain See Figures 16 8 16 10 100 SATURATION of Hb WITH O2 50 P50 40 100 PO 2 in mm Hg P50 P50 O2 in mm Hg that yields 50 saturation of Hb with O2 INCREASE P50 OR DECREASE Hb AFFINITY FOR O2 DECREASE pH INCREASE TEMPERTATURE Hb UNLOADS MORE O2 GIVEN PO2 100 NORMAL SATURATION of Hb WITH O2 ACIDIC high CO 2 50 INCR TEMP 40 P O 2 in mm Hg 100 BLOOD TYPES See page 730 in the text Web sites to visit http opbs okstate edu melcher MG MGW1 MG11121 html http ftp bbc co uk tw 9798 9801blood shtml ABO Blood types BLOOD GROUP ANTIGENS ON RBC SUGAR RESIDUES TRANSMEMBRANE GLYCOPROTEINS GALACTOSE N Ac Glucosamine GLUCOSE FUCOSE PROTEIN O ANTIGEN GLUCOSE PROTEIN GLUCOSE PROTEIN A ANTIGEN GLUCOSE PROTEIN O ANTIGEN GLUCOSE PROTEIN B ANTIGEN Blood Type O Antigen NONE Antibodies ANTI A ANTI B A B AB A B A B ANTI B ANTI A NONE Rh FACTOR 1 MAKE ANTI RHESIS MONKEY RED CELL ANTIBODIES IN RABBIT 2 IF ANTI Rh REACTS WITH HUMAN RBC Rh 3 IF ANTI Rh DOES NOT REACT WITH HUMAN RBC Rh Rh FACTOR PROBLEMS Rh MOTHER CONCEIVES Rh FETUS FETAL RBCs LEAK INTO MATERNAL CIRCULATION MOTHER PRODUCES ANTI Rh ANTIBODIES IgG SECOND Rh CHILD FETAL RBCs ATTACKED BY MATERNAL IgG SECOND Rh CHILD FETAL RBCs ATTACKED BY MATERNAL IgG ERYTHROBLASTOSIS FETALIS Rh TREATMENTS RHOGAM ANTI Rh TO MOTHER AFTER BIRTH OF FIRST CHILD TRANSFUSION OF SECOND CHILD QUESTION WHY DOES Rh FACTOR POSE A PROBLEM WHILE ABO BLOOD TYPES DO NOT Erythropoietin Stimulus Tissue Hypoxia STEM CELL ERYTHROPOETIN ERYTHROBLAST NORMOBLAST RETICULOCYTE MATURE RBC MAKE ABOUT 2 3 X 108 DAY ANEMIA Hemorrhagic blood loss Aplastic marrow damage certain organics x rays etc Hemolytic Sickle Cell Snake Venoms Pernicious vitamin B12 deficit Intrinsic Extrinsic Factors Fe3 deficiency Destruction of hemoglobin Polypeptide chains amino acids released from m Iron Fe3 transferrin in plasma ferritin in cells esp liver Heme group BILIRUBIN Jaundice Elevated Free Liver Problems Elevated Conjugated Kidney Malfunction Problem For Some New Borns Use UV Light HEMOSTASIS CLOTTING VASCULAR SPASM PAIN SYMPATHETIC RESPONSE PLATELET PLUG CLOT FORMATION PLATELET PLUG Fig 13 4 PLATELETS 2 4 DIAMETER ADHERE TO CHARGED SURFACE e g COLLAGEN IN CUT BVs DEGRANULATION SEROTONIN ADP PROSTAGLANDINS etc PLATELETS 140 000 300 000 mm3 TOO FEW THROMBOCYTOPENIA PURPURA NOTE ASPIRIN etc AS BLOOD THINNERS Platelet Plug von Willebrand Factor vWf From megakaryocytes platelets endothelial cells of blood vessels Serotonin epinephrine Local vasoconstriction ADP causes adhesiveness and aggregation Thromboxane A2 TXA2 From arachidonic acid Aggregation ADP release vasoconstriction Prevention of Platelet Plug Prostacyclin PGI2 Nitric Oxide Both released by healthy intact endothelial cells CLOT FORMATION FIBRINOGEN 340 000 FIBRIN LOOSE CLOT FSF COVALENTLY LINKS FIBRIN THREADS TIGHT CLOT See Figs 13 5 7 FIBRININOGEN FIBRIN PROTHROMBIN THROMBIN ACTIVE ENZYME FACTOR Xinactive FACTOR X active ACTIVATE FACTOR X Extrinsic mechanism tissue thromboplastin lipids Intrinsic mechanism IX via XI via XII activated by collagen or negatively charged surface ANTI COAGULANTS Ca Chelators siliconized glass Heparin from mast cells and basophils Coumarin derivatives vitamin k analogs Dicoumarol Warfarin Coumarin Analog of Vitamin K This addition bestows Ca binding site and function to clotting factor Vitamin K is required for addition of carboxyl group to glutamic acid residues of clotting factors Vit K inhibits this addition rendering clotting factors inactive CLOT RETRACTION Profibrinolysin Fibrinolysin or Plasminogen Plasmin Activated By Thrombin Factor XII Tissue Enzymes Blood vessels Structures and Functions Figs 13 8 12 and pages 411 417 Artery arteriole capillary venule veins ELECTROPHORESIS OF PLASMA PROTEINS globulins ALBUMIN FIBRINOGEN Ig MIGRATION DISTANCE Starling s Capillary Hypothesis Hydrostatic Pressure Plasma Osmotic or Oncotic Pressure H2O ENTERS DUE TO impermeable solute PROTEIN in side 2 H2O SIDE 1 RT C PROTEIN SIDE 2 H2O rises in proportion to PROTEIN osmotic pressure R Gas constant T temperature oK C difference in concentration of impermeant solute molecules Across capillaries the solutes are plasma proteins STARLING S CAPILLARY HYPOTHESIS BACK TO HEART A R T E R Y CELLS IN INTERSTITIAL FLUID CAPILLARY V E I N Capillary barrier is selectively permeable to solutes 69 000 mw Lymphatic system drains the interstitial space of proteins and water A R T E R Y HYDROSTATIC BLOOD PRESSURE CAPILLARY V E I N OSMOTIC PRESSURE A R T E R Y A R T E R I A L V E I N CAPILLARY 25 mm Hg drawing fluid into capillary PRESSURES BP FILTRATION REABSORPTION V E N O U S DISTANCE ALONG CAPILLARY FILTRATION REABSORPTION Edema Filtration Reabsorption Tissue Dehydration Filtration Reabsorption Factors influencing movement of water across capillaries BP Dehydration Hydration Add Osmotic Solute Capillary Damage Lymphatic Blockage

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