UD PHYT 622 - PHYT 622 Syllabus 2011

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PHYT 622 Clinical Gross Anatomy Physical Therapy Program Joseph Zeni PT PhD 6 Credits T R F 8 30 10 30 Lecture T R F 10 30 12 00 Lab W 9 00 12 00 Lab T R Lab 1 00 4 00 Lab UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED PLEASE REFER TO SAKAI OR SCHEDULE DOCUMENT FOR DAILY CLASS TIMES AND LOCATIONS DESCRIPTION Structural and functional aspects of regions of body under study are emphasized by means of human cadaver lectures and demonstrations Clinical significance of anatomical structure is stressed Prereq First year standing in the Doctor of Physical Therapy Program or permission of instructor TEXTBOOKS Required Hansen Netters Clinical Anatomy 2nd edition Elsevier Netter Atlas of Human Anatomy Icon Or any other human atlas Gilroy or Rohen or Clemente etc Biel Trail Guide to the Human Body 4th Edition Books of Discovery Recommended Morton Dissection Guide for Human Anatomy Elsevier 2nd ed METHOD OF EVALUATION 3 written examinations 2 laboratory examinations 20 each 20 each total 60 total 40 Make up examinations are generally not permitted If you cannot attend an exam for any reason it is expected that you will notify the department prior to the examination Makeups will not automatically be granted Laboratory exams are divided into a written cadaver laboratory exam and a surface anatomy osteology practical exam Each component cadaver and palpation osteology counts as 50 of that laboratory examination s total score A minimum of a B must be earned in this course to continue in the program Further all exams must be passed with a minimum of a C grade regardless of the final course average 1 In the event that the minimal grade for the course has been earned but an individual examination grade was less than a C the student will receive an incomplete until that section of the course has been satisfactorily passed by means of a terminal comprehensive examination SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS Old clothing lab coats are necessary for lab work Disposable gloves are also required for your protection as well as protective eyewear in the laboratory All students must have Hepatitis B vaccine prior to admission into the lab SPECIAL ASSIGNMENTS For the cadaver portion of this class student groups will be responsible for writing an outline of the dissection protocol for each anatomical region PRIOR to dissecting that region Failure for the group to turn in that assignment will result in a 5 point reduction on the next cadaver laboratory examination for each member of the group ATTENDANCE Attendance is mandatory for laboratory and lecture sessions As professional students it is expected that you will use your time in an appropriate manner and if you must miss class for any reason it is your responsibility to notify the instructor Unexcused absences on quiz days will result in a 5 point reduction on the next written examination The instructor reserves the right to alter the syllabus schedule or grading policy for the entire class if it is determined that such a change will benefit the course SPECIAL LAB NOTES Labs are divided into two major components cadaver dissection and surface osteology study The management and operation of these two lab components will be explained in class 2

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