Pitt PSY 0505 - Lecture Topic #1

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Neuraxis Neuraxis Peripheral Nervous System Cranial Nerves 12 Efferent red motor function Afferent blue sensory function Peripheral Nervous System Spinal nerves 31 pairs Autonomic Nervous System Meninges between skull and brain Ventricles of the Human Brain Contain Cerebral Spinal Fluid CSF Spinal Cord Primary Sensory and Primary Motor Cortexes Lateral Surface of the Brain Frontal Cortex Functions Planning Executive function Language production Language grammar Working memory OrbitoFrontal Cortex Functions Controls impulsivity Personality Understanding of social norms Processing reward information Temporal Lobe Functions Object recognition Face recognition Auditory processing Word processing Parietal Lobe Functions Space Body awareness Mathematical calculations Aspects of reading writing Occipital Lobe Functions Primary visual processing Visual word form area

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Pitt PSY 0505 - Lecture Topic #1

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