UCLA ENGL 10A - Week 4, Lecture 9

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English 10A Week 4 Lecture 9 01 31 2012 Midterm Info Title Author Dates involved Speaker Type of language used Riddles just know it s from the Exeter Paper Don t use the Wikipedia if you do verify the legitimacy in two or three other places Strong argument Not every text has a moral or a single meaning Things 2 avoids secrets are a theme in the Miller s tale Be specific Be arguable Don t make true statements Ex Chaucer uses x to show y in the context of z good things Miller s Tale Ln 385 405 pryvetee Ln 415 Tragedy of John s love for Alison and her infidelity Ln 574 When itching it s the wrong kind of itching Absolon achieves what he wanted but simultaneously not what he wanted Ln 691 Nichlas thinks he ll get in on the fun Ln 720 Poor John Ln 732 What s so funny given his love Alison and Nicholas rewrite the story and perspective in the eyes of the townspeople The limits of knowledge and centering perspective The Mancible s Tale one who picks up and delivers groceries Prologue has the Mancible and drunk cook arguing intensely What is language what is speech how is communication tied Ln 76 When words are said there s no going back the terrible power of words speech Ln 97 Even things said in jest or while drunk can t be taken back Earnest and game Wife killed by husband cause the crow says she cheated It s about how language forges consequences Ln 135 Crow The separation between words and their meaning Ln 148 154 Goodness isn t something you can illicit in others it s a choice they good wives bring into the marriage Ln 181 Cat desires mouse can t change nature of animals Chaucer points out there s male responsibility in affairs Ln 203 Different words for sex for money It s about class it s about language the terms used Difference between lemon prostitute and taking a lover Language changes perspective changes social norms Ln 224 Tyrant v thief theft difference Language frames of reference sets of understanding Ln 235 Crow counterfeiting the cuckoo bird Apollo takes it he s being cuckolded Believe no thing without strong witness Ln 320 Never tell anything speech itself has consequences Ln 351 Can t take it back 01 31 2012 01 31 2012

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UCLA ENGL 10A - Week 4, Lecture 9

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