UCLA ENGL 10A - Week 3, Lecture 8

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English 10A Week 3 Lecture 8 01 31 2012 Miller s Tale What are secrets What is knowledge How can knowledge come up with limits How does knowledge wrestle with secrets limits Ln 59 blending Ln 63 Chaucer the narrator sneaks in at the end of the Miller s prologue talking to audience of readers rather than audience of pilgrims What are the responsibilities of the audience to stories Are these morals that can be gained from every story Relies on puns to hide the profanity has something important to say o Obsessed with penetration penetrating glances minds etc How do we know the future what can we possibly know about it 01 31 2012 01 31 2012

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UCLA ENGL 10A - Week 3, Lecture 8

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