UCLA ENGL 10A - Week 3, Lecture 7

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English 10A Week 3 Lecture 7 01 26 2012 Sir Orfeo continued About 50 years prior to Chaucer From classical version of Orpheus who breaks his underworld agreement Ln 53 54 Plays with expectations seen in the introduction of the queen Ln 70 Demonstrates the queen screaming ripping off her face Ln 105 110 Instead of the Shakespearian description of feminine features hair as black as a raven ruby red lips etc we see a terrifying description Ln 153 Hopelessness helplessness her desires don t matter Ln 191 92 Elaborate description of expectations description of men going to battle for the lady queen and yet she s plucked from the world so easily Ln 223 Orfeo rids his first desire 01 26 2012 01 26 2012

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UCLA ENGL 10A - Week 3, Lecture 7

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