Get a charge out of finding a great deal it is the best value provides the best value of product Strategic planning Advertising is the top of the iceberg you see the planning part is the bulk and majority of all the work done for this campaign Because markets are constantly changing planning never stops revised very several months Media Planning Trends and planning Strategy Scheduling Media How you get the ads out to your target markets 1 First stage is planning and research pin down target market then find what their media usage is which media they use most frequently what placing they see the media when and where select media types building block strategy prioritize spending find what target market you are trying to get the most 2 Buying purchase their media space select negotitate specific placements and monior Kay dimensions of media planning Budget cost Continuity what is the duration of the campaign Frequency the average number of time that one of your ads is seen by someone in your target market Reach how many people in the target market see the ads Reach How many people in the target market saw the ads can be measured by impressions Gross rating points what proportion of the target market saw the ads percentages of market Target market 60000 Saw ad at least once 35000 35000 60000 100 58 GRP Trade offs do I put more money into frequency and back off because I don t have enough money for reach and continuity Tradeoffs Reach Tradeoffs Frequency more money for frequency is less money for everything else Choosing frequency level Audience motivation audience not motivated need higher level of frequency Purchase decisions if its impulse buy low levels of frequency if it is a lot of consideration like a car need higher levels of frequency Message complexity if ad has a lot of pieces need higher levels of frequency because it will be more for them to sink in Low levels of frequency are is the buy is easy like gum Advertising effectiveness if ad is going to be really effective don t need a lot of frequency If the effectiveness is not good you ll have to have more frequency Time of day morning busy times higher levels of frequency late at night more attentive to TV so lower levels of frequency are needed Competitive pressure see how much your competitors are doing if they aren t doing much you could probably get by with not doing much Determining continuity Buying decisions takes place before the actual trip Research is used Scheduling Steady same time every day Pulsing alternate a period of higher frequency with a period of low frequency hope that ad interest carries over from the higher frequency to lower Flighting high frequency then no frequency same idea that periods of high will carryover to periods of low Scheduling and erosion Declining effectiveness of a campaign erosion of advertising awareness Steady after about half a year the effectiveness levels off and the impact erodes over time Flighting about half a year steady pattern is more effective but from a half year on you re getting better results in form of effectiveness Best trade off Chewing gum put money in reach and continuity Car sale frequency Top of the line jewelry collection continuity because they can buy on any occasion Cost effectiveness 9 22 14 First was anything ad could put their name on Second was billboards Now lighted signs colored lights on Broadway Profile Reach out of home is not good Frequency o out of home is very good Cost impression low cost Go toward local markets rarely used as a primary media plan used to promote frequency rather than the primary one you used Supplemental out od home can provide strong visual reinforces TV campaigns radio provides missing visual radio campaigns higher frequency for magazine campaigns for newspapers out of home provides better graphic quality and impact for ads based in newspapers Out of home works with other forms of media Strengths pioneering stage build brand name recognitions good for retentive to remind people that they love the brand Drawbacks exposure of out of home advertising is voluntary and brief viewers are preoccupied few premium site where there s a lot of traffic car or foot visual pollution Buying OOH can only buy billboard in packages not in single If lit 24 hour traffic X 64 If not lit 24 hour traffic count X 45 Every billboard is thus rated based on daily effective circulation DEC groups of Billboards is called an allotment GRPS buying OOH GRP percent of market percent of adult population and for outdoor advertiser it is the percent reached per day in a single local market 50 GROS 50 means it delivers 50 market day Calculating GRP total DEC for allotment total market population Gross impressions measure of total exposures duplicated audience GI GRPs X continuity how long the ad runs Cost effectiveness per GRP total cost of allotment GROs in allotment Dollars per 1000 GI total cost of allotment GIs in allotment 1000 Verification TAB market based traffic data check signs of visibility PRS how and why people pay attention eye tracking studies people notice and read the copy larger the millboard more easily it will get noticed SMRB awareness built by outdoor advertising annual consumer study of 25 000 people ask about media usage habits OOH recall Other out of home Driven by technological advances transit shelters bus wrap Need more low coast but high frequency out of home advertising can do this very effectively consumers local and mobile and your are very creative pioneering and retentive stage the strengths of out of home are very good
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