BARRY CS 477 - Study Guide

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CS 477 01 Study Guide for Test No 1 Chapter 1 Two types of attacks active passive and examples of them how do they work what kind of damage threat they would cause Names and meanings of security services access control authentication confidentiality data integrity non repudiation availability service Relations between security mechanisms and services which service contains what mechanisms Models for network security and network access security and the meaning and functionality of each component in the models Four tasks in security design Chapter 2 Symmetric Encryption Principles Chap 2 1 Five ingredients in symmetric encryption A general model and requirements of symmetric encryption The three dimensions in cryptography for classifying an encryption algorithm The definition of cryptanalysis The definition of computational security in cryptanalysis Types of cryptanalysis attacks Feistel Cipher Structure components functionality substitution permutation parameters You don t have to memorize all the components just be able to understand how it works is enough Symmetric Block Encryption Algorithms Chap 2 2 The properties of block cipher Security strength v s key length DES structure properties such as key size block length security strength advantages disadvantages 3DES the structure of triple DES the notion of encryption decryption security strength advantages disadvantages AES properties such as key size block length structure why it needs XOR and why it can t have XOR alone security strength advantages disadvantages Stream Ciphers and RC4 Chap 2 3 The difference between block ciphers and stream ciphers Properties and requirements of stream ciphers Advantages and disadvantages of stream ciphers RC4 algorithm structure properties algorithms advantages disadvantages Cipher Block Modes of Operations Chap 2 4 The necessity of block modes Cipher block chaining CBC mode structure encryption decryption notations properties Cipher feedback mode CFB structure encryption decryption notations properties Location of Encryption Devices Chap 2 5 Advantages and disadvantages of putting encryption devices in different layers of OSI mode Data link layer v s end to end application layer Key Distribution Chap 2 6 Four ways to distribution the key for symmetric encryption Technical terms in key distribution for example session key primary key

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BARRY CS 477 - Study Guide

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