GSU SOCI 1101 - Exam 2 Study Guide
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SOCI 1101 1st Edition Exam 2 Study Guide Socialization Lifelong process from birth till death through which people acquire norms and values and develop a sense of self it s a lifelong process through which people learn to participate in society i e culture o What is expected of us through our lifetime Historical perspectives social reproduction macro o Passage of norms values and social practices from one generation to another o Society also goes through a socialization change lifelong Socialization through life course Life Lifelong process of aging its an equalizer because all humans age Life course Social construction of aging how culture gives meaning to an age Life stages phases Childhood 2 o Infancy and childhood Adulthood 3 o Adolescence Old age 3 o Young old old old old o 65 75 75 85 85 The nature nature debate The society culture debate Identity A sense of self Understandings of who we are There is a gap between Self identity o Who am I when I m at home I think of myself as Social identity o First thing other people see about yourself like your ethnicity Four levels of thinking of myself of social identities Cognitive development Jean Piaget Stages Sensorimotor stage birth to age 2 o Using our senses to know what is expected of us at this age Operational stages o Using concepts and what s around us to know what s expected of us at these variable ages Pre operational stage 2 7 Egocentric concrete operational stage 7 to 11 Physical formal operational stage 11 15 Abstract Psychological emotional development Freud and chodorow Freud o 3 elements of the psychological self id ego and superego id desires right now ego middle negotiation superego reason Food sex o Gender identity centers on Possession absence of a penis penis envy Chodorow o Emotional attachments to mothers o Gender identity based on masculine and feminine traits Moral development Kohlberg o 3 stages of moral development o Pre convention convention post convention o Used Ghandi and MLK as examples most people will not be able to achieve the post stages like them Gilligan woman o Male centered morality devaluation of women s roles and feminine qualities o Others centered females and o Outward oriented males o Justice vs care compassion Based on what they would do based on a relationship to someone other than themselves EX girls would steal medicine for their mom while boys would not Social development Mead and Cooley Imitation stage Play stage role taking o Social ized self is the me o Unsocialized self is the I o Relationship with significant others Game stage o Generalized others o Like the president October 1 Theories of self development debate about gender socialization Socialization Primary and secondary socialization Primary and secondary socialization o Time and duration when and how long o Different other significant and generalized o Impact temporary or lasting Agent of socialization o Group or social context within which socialization takes place Agents of socialization Family lasting primary Peer groups young and old Schools formal and informal curriculum Work organizational membership Mass media o Wide spread o Complex cause and effect its exact effects on behavior and attitudes Socialization process of gender identity starts at birth until death ch 5 How people interact to shape reality Direct focused social interaction How people engage in civil inattention Indirect unfocused interaction Like getting on the elevator and talking on the phone you lower your voice How people utilize cultural tools to experience various and meaningful relationships October 6 Cultural tools Languages o Verbal and non verbal Social status and roles Emotions o Emotional expressions emotion management Space o Occupy our physical self Time 1 Nonverbal communication Face expressions Body gestures Emotional expressions in face to face interactions Semiotics o Using non verbal language to communicate meaning Nonverbal communication in the context of indirect non face to face interaction o Use of emoticons in email texts and internet Telephone communication can be difficult because non verbal communication is absent 2 Verbal language Language as the means of communication The gendered communication o Word choice o in tonation 3 utilizing space Intimate o Very close foot from your face Personal o Space with close friends 1 4 feet face to face Social o Space you present yourself limited to physical face to face Public o Physical and cyber space and imaginary space Social space and civil inattention Not paying attention to other people on purpose like on a crowded subway 4 Time Clock time modernity Calendar hr day week month year Interaction in time and space Time zones o World standard time 1884 based on 24 time zones o Interaction via internet across time and space 5 Social status and roles Status social positions Ascribed and achieved o Ascribed didn t choose like your age skin color most of the time sexual identity o Achieved gender identity Status set and salient status o Status inconsistency when someone works an unexpected job Roles behaviors Expectations Actual performance o Role conflict When you occupy too many statuses o Role strain Being a mom The world as a stage dramaturgical perspective Erving Goffman 1st generation American sociologist o Impression management Presentation of social roles Role performance based on social status o Saving face we try to save ourselves and others from embarrassment o Social life as dramaturgy Front region front stage Back region back stage Status and roles two variables The relationship is we behave that determines it both status and role can be independent and dependent October 8 Social contexts and shared understandings Harold Garfinkel Ethnomethodology o Ethno method folk people lay methods o Study of how people make sense of what others say and do in everyday social interaction Needs context to understand exactly what they are talking about o Analyzing how taken for granted meanings come about among people Social aggregate Bunch of people on the sidewalk two or more people have to be taking up the same space at the same time bus ride train ride Social category Two or more people who share the same social location status determined by the same status s that they occupy sophomores at GA state Religion Baptists Social group 2 or more interactions o Direct regular Membership o Shared expectations GA state football team aspects of social groups org these are determined by size a

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GSU SOCI 1101 - Exam 2 Study Guide

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Pages: 14
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