UNL MATH 103 - Midterm evaluation

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Math 103 College Algebra and Trigonometry Midterm evaluation 22 October 2008 Please answer the following questions honestly and thoughtfully Your feedback is very much appreciated Your responses will help me gauge how the course is going so far and give me some idea about changes that may be needed Please do not put your name on this sheet Your responses are completely anonymous You may return this sheet to mailbox 88 in the Math Department office Avery Hall 203 1 What do you feel about the pace of this course so slow it hurts pretty slow just right rather fast I can t keep up 2 On average how much time each week do you spend outside of class reading the textbook working homework problems studying for quizzes and exams etc 0 2 hours 2 5 hours 5 8 hours 8 10 hours more than 10 hours 3 How often do you visit the Math Resource Center in Avery Hall 13B never rarely once a week a few times a week nearly every day 4 Does the instructor seem willing to help you with questions you have yes definitely usually I m not sure usually not no never 5 Does the instructor answer questions in a way that makes sense and helps you understand yes definitely usually I m not sure usually not no never 6 Does your grade so far in this course match up with what you think you have earned yes pretty close I don t know I don t think so not at all 7 What is your impression of the instructor s lectures very clear and interesting better than average unremarkable subpar abysmal 8 What is your overall impression of the instructor great good okay below average poor 9 For each of the following please indicate whether you would like to see more or less in a typical lecture Please remember that there is a limited time in the lecture so if you would like to see more of one thing please suggest something else you would be okay with less of Answering questions about the homework much more a little more keep the same a little less much less a little less much less Explanation of concepts much more a little more keep the same Examples many more a few more many more a few more keep the same a few less many less a few less many less Applications keep the same Other please explain much more a little more keep the same a little less much less over Page 1 10 How does this class compare to your expectations 11 What is the most important valuable or interesting thing you have learned in this course so far 12 What is the least important valuable or interesting thing you have learned 13 What if anything is still unclear How can the instructor help you 14 What is the best part about this course so far 15 What is the worst part about this course so far 16 What suggestions do you have for improving the course 17 Are there any other comments you would like to make Page 2

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UNL MATH 103 - Midterm evaluation

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