UB UGC 111 - WCivIHandoutApril16

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World Civilization I Recitation Handout April 16 2014 1 Buddhism Buddha Gotama Siddhattha achieved enlightenment Noble Four Truths 1 2 3 Suffering Suffering Suffering arises from ceases exists attachment when physical to attachment desires to and unnecessarily desire psychological increased ceases desires Nirvana 4 Freedom from suffering is possible by practicing the Eightfold Path Noble Eightfold Path Right View Right Thought Right Speech Right Action Right Livelihood Right Effort Right mindfulness Right Contemplation Reading Yourself Where does love come from Yourself think about yourself and don t be concerned What is the message With others everything you feel belongs to you not others What is your goal in life Attainment realized about yourself Choices What is the meaning of the yellow rob Who can wear it Symbolizes truth condition where he masters himself get rid of strong senses thoughts to master yourself Only the master wears the cape Kita Gotami What is this story about Buddhas teaching of Gotani mother didn t want to accept her child s death she must find a house with someone who did not die if she did then a mustard seed could revive her child This talks about the destiny of passing away What did Gotami learn Mind What can bring you harm Your own thoughts What is attitude to the body Body is fragile and is not eternal 2 Preparation for the 3rd Quiz April 23rd in a lecture Lecture Terms in UBlearns you should identify terms Recitation Questions Read ALL materials for classes at least once Important points of lectures 3 Review Please be sure that things below are not all You should review your own note Islam Movie questions see the handout of April 9 Ka aba the most sacred place for Moslems A black meteoritic stone is locaded Caliph the successor of Muhammad Battle of Karbara the problem of succession split the community into two parts Sunni and Shiite how they differ from each other Sharia Law code of Islam that covers all human activities Sharia differs from Western law 1 Regarded as divine 2 Comprehensiveness Sharia governs all human actions 3 Practically unchangeable Development of Islam Trade connection to India and China what products did they trade English words start with AL from Arabic Astrolabe Arabic numerals Libraries hospitals lunar calendar algebra Ancient India Important points 1 essentially warrior society with 4 classes 2 Upanishad Commentary philosophical text explaining universe and mans role in it Maya illusion what we think reality 3 Brahman infinite power which world rises Unchanging reality behind changing world atman in each individual 4 Epics ex Ramayana Five beliefs of classical Hinduism Brahman and Atman Three gods Reverence for hymns and adoration for those who study Respect for all life forms vegetarianism non violence Idea of transmigration of souls sam sara concept of we are born grow old and die and then we are reborn karma full of what you did in your life Caste Life of Hindu Dharma duties of Hinduism of his or her cast ritual duties conduct of family etc Emphasis of meditation yoga control your body Worshiping devotion one personal god Each has one god bhakti 3 main gods Vishnu universal god associated with creation beneficial to mankind Universal god who is comes down in avatar twice in very important situation Krishna Rama Shiva creator and destroyer Shiva essentially male force Devi Goddess female Maternal Protective goddess Associated with plants Gandhi Through his practicing of fasting non violence British finally withdrew

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UB UGC 111 - WCivIHandoutApril16

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