UNC-Chapel Hill GEOG 111 - Syllabus+Geog+111+fall+2014 (1)

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Geography 111 Introduction to Weather and Climate Fall 2014 10 1050am MWF 201 Chapman Hall Professor C E Konrad Office 305 Saunders Office Hours MWF 11 1145am T A Jim Kuras 102 Coates 830 10am MW TBA Rachel Cotterman 317 Saunders 2 330pm MF e mail konrad unc edu sogan live unc edu rachel cotterman unc edu Professor Konrad is also the Director of the Southeast Regional Climate Center SERCC and has a second office in 204 Coates Building across Franklin St from the Morehead Planetarium Text Aguado and Burt Understanding Weather and Climate 6th edition Older editions are acceptable Course Description This course describes the nature and causes of weather and climate During the first half of the semester we will examine the basic processes that produce daily weather and long term climate During the second half of the semester we will focus on the ways atmospheric processes and patterns come together to produce different types of weather including ice storms snowstorms tornadoes and hurricanes We will study weather maps associated with different types of weather events In addition we will examine their climatology specifically where they typically occur i e geographical distribution and when they typically occur i e time of day and season Finally we will discuss the impacts and dangers of extreme events and how to interpret forecasts of their occurrence Over the course of the semester we will explore wide range of web based weather resources that provide a synopsis of the current state of the atmosphere We will examine weather forecasts and learn how to make the best use of them Finally we will use various web based climate resources that among other things reveal how recent weather trends compare with the past The first three to ten minutes of the lecture will typically be devoted to the current weather situation and forecasts over the next several days Weather Quizzes A weather quiz will be posted on Sakai on most Wednesdays during the semester beginning on 9 3 It will be due the following Sunday evening at 1159pm The quiz will consist of 30 questions that address recent lecture topics and recent weather described in class You may work together to answer the quiz questions using any resources at your disposal e g lecture notes web resources etc Weather Project You will follow the daily weather across the southeastern U S for an 8 week period 9 22 11 17 using a variety of web based weather resources Specifically you will document and describe occurrences of unusual weather e g coldest temperature heaviest rainfall strongest wind etc with the goal of finding the most extreme conditions during the study period You will earn extra You will earn credit points if you identify a greater extreme than anyone in the class in a given weather category Details on this project will be provided in a few weeks Grading Tests Test 1 9 19 Test 2 10 13 Test 3 11 17 Final Exam 12 12 8am Weather quizzes Weather project Total 50 Highest two of three on the tests each counting 25 20 15 15 100 Tests and the Final Exam Each test will consist of 40 multiple choice questions that are drawn from the lecture material weather quizzes and in class weather discussions These questions will be answered on a scantron sheet which can be obtained from the bookstore The final exam will include a take home section in which you will use web based resources to interpret weather maps forecasts and climatologies Lectures Power Point outlines of each lecture will be provided on the Sakai course website These outlines will include all graphics maps presented in the lecture You are expected to attend class each day and take notes The Power Point outlines are not a substitute for the notes they provide an organizing frame for the lecture details which you will distill in your own words You are expected to turn off all electronic devices during the lecture except for those that are being used for classroom activities Laptop use will periodically be monitored to ensure that they are being used properly Syllabus Date Topic Preliminary Text Pages 8 20 Course Introduction 8 22 Introduction to weather forecasts 382 388 8 25 8 27 Solar and terrestrial radiation 35 42 8 29 Earth sun geometry 43 51 9 1 LABOR DAY BREAK 9 3 9 5 Heat transfer 33 34 56 70 76 77 9 8 9 10 The greenhouse effect and climate change 69 70 487 491 495 498 86 89 9 12 9 15 Temperature relationships 70 81 152 230 232 9 17 Review 9 19 TEST 1 9 22 Introduction to web based weather resources 9 24 9 26 Air pressure and wind 92 115 233 234 240242 9 29 10 1 Water in the atmosphere 122 136 10 3 Vertical air motions 160 172 10 6 10 8 Clouds and precipitation 172 179 190 195 10 10 Review 10 13 TEST 2 10 15 Circumpolar vortex and jet stream 10 17 FALL BREAK 10 20 Circumpolar vortex and jet stream continued 10 22 Cold outbreaks 224 230 261 263 197 198 10 24 10 27 Wave cyclones 265 272 281 299 10 29 10 31 Ice storms 203 11 3 11 5 Snow storms 196 197 11 7 11 10 Thunderstorms 308 325 11 12 Tornadoes 326 340 11 14 Review 11 17 TEST 3 11 19 Tornadoes continued 11 21 11 24 Hurricanes 345 375 11 26 11 28 THANKSGIVING BREAK 12 1 12 3 Wrap up and Review 12 10 READING DAY Review session 12 12 8am FINAL EXAM

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UNC-Chapel Hill GEOG 111 - Syllabus+Geog+111+fall+2014 (1)

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