TAMU GEOG 203 - Global climates II
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GEOG 203 1nd Edition Lecture 11 Outline of Last Lecture I Precipitation a Precipitation patterns II Introduction to global climates III Climographs IV Distribution of climates on an idealized continent Outline of Current Lecture I Review for quiz II Distribution of climates on an idealized climate Current Lecture These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute 36 questions on test 10 10 Review for quiz Relative humidity vapor pressure saturation vapor pressure x100 Know wind patterns Know precipitation patterns Distribution of climates on an idealized continent Why is there no humid continental climate in the southern hemisphere o There is no room on the land to form a continental climate No humid continental climate in the southern hemisphere therefore Subarctic climate o Boreal forest is typical vegetation of subarctic o Brief and moderately warm summer o Long very cold winter o Winter little humidity o Extreme variation of summer and winter Polar climate o Tundra climate icecaps o Even summer temps are below freezing Generalized climate regions

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