TAMU GEOG 203 - Atmospheric Lifting Mechanisms II
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GEOG 203 1nd Edition Lecture 9 Outline of Last Lecture I Review for quiz II Atmospheric lifting mechanisms a Convergence b Conventional Outline of Current Lecture I Precipitation a Atmospheric lifting mechanisms b Precipitation patterns Current Lecture This Sunday s SI is from 5 7 For test Bring scantron 30 35 multiple choice Precipitation Atmospheric lifting mechanism Convection Orographic lifting pushing air up mountain until it drops to dew point warming adiabatically as it descends Moisture These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Prevailing wind direction Mountain terrain Northeast trade winds Hawaii Westerly winds New Zealand Cold front warm air rises over cold frontal lifting Warm front not as severe as cold front Classifying air masses by surface region Latitude influences temp also moisture in that warm temperatures permit greater humidity o Latitudinal classification Polar cold originates at high latitudes Tropical warm originates in tropics subtropic Underlying surface continent vs ocean influences humidity of air mass o Continental dry originates over a continent o Maritime humid originating over an ocean Combining latitude and underlying surface to classify the general air mass types the main ones of interest o CP continental polar cold very dry o MP maritime polar cool humid o CT continental tropical hot dry o MT maritime tropical warm very humid Mid latitude cyclones precipitation northern hemisphere cyclones Wind off ocean often from East Gulf stream and westerlies influence storms Special patterns Climograph precipitation and average temperature each month Deserts in subtropics 12 degrees N Africa in the tropics convection o tropical wet and dry climate

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