UH KIN 3304 - Anatomy of the Heart

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KIN 3304 1nd Edition Lecture 12 Outline of Last Lecture I Neural Regeneration cont II Rate of Nerve Impulse III Types of Processing IV Aging and Nervous System V Changes in Aged VI Subdivisions of ANS VII Sympathetic Stimulation VIII When Activation Occurs Outline of Current Lecture I Heart is busy but not all the time II Cool things about the heart III Heart IV Blood Flow V Pulmonary Circuit VI Systematic Circuit VII Located in Pericardial Cavity VIII Cardiocytes IX Intercalated Discs X Fibrous Skeleton XI Internal A P XII Right Atrium XIII Interatrial Septum XIV Left Atrium Current Lecture I Heart is busy but not all the time a Never stops but spends 1 3 of its life at rest b No heart bad c Primary purpose is to deliver oxygenated blood to tissue II Cool things about the heart a Intrinsic rhythmicity i Beats on own These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute ii Any cell in the heart can be the pacemaker b Selfish takes the best blood for itself c Smart takes the best blood for itself Figure of the heart in the text book will be on the test know where everything is the left side of the heart is bigger b c it has to push blood a longer ways away arteries carry blood away from the heart veins carry blood toward the heart III Heart a Four Chambers i Right and left atrium b Two Circuits i Pulmonary circuit ii Systematic circuit IV Blood Flow a Right atrium receives blood from systematic circuit b Right ventricle discharges blood into systematic circuit be able to draw the heart and know where everything goes V Pulmonary Circuit gas exchange a Carries CO2 rich blood from heart to the lungs b Returns O2 rich blood back to the heart c Heart gets first shot at oxygenated blood VI Systematic Circuit a Transports O2 rich blood from heart to the body b Returns CO2 rich blood back to the heart VII Located in Pericardial Cavity a Pericardium membrane lines pericardial cavity b Divided into visceral and parietal pericardium c Epicardium loose CT of VP bound to muscle tissue of the heart d Membrane of PP has dense CT fibrous p i Parietal and fibrous p form the pericardial sac ii Filled with pericardial fluid lubricant Cardiac muscle more related to skeletal muscle TQ Intercalated Disc carry signals VIII Cardiocytes muscle cells a Smaller than skeletal muscle cell fibers b Different from skeletal muscles in that i Almost totally aerobic lots of mitochondria myoglobin ii Short t tubules do not form triads with SR iii Much more extensive circulation iv Contraction without instructions from CNS v Interconnect via intercalated discs IX Intercalated Disc a Connect cardia muscle cells b Cardiac muscle cells are essentially one ginormous cell i Connected mechanically chemically electrically ii Contraction in any cell triggers contraction of several others iii Contraction spreads throughout myocardium X Fibrous Skeleton a Stabilizes muscle cells valves i Support for muscle cells vessels nerves ii Distributes force of contraction iii Reinforces valves prevents over expansion b Physically isolates atrial muscle cells from ventricular muscle cells i Isolation coordinates cardiac contractions XI Internal A P a Atria separated by interatrial septum b Ventricle separated by interventricular septum c Valves open close provide one way flow of blood from atria to ventricles d Atrium collects blood returning to heart delivers to ventricles XII Right Atrium a Receives venous blood from circulation i From superior and inferior vena cava ii This blood is lower in O2 b Superior vena cava i From head neck upper limbs chest ii Opens into posterior and inferior portion of right atrium c Inferior vena cava XIII Interatrial Septum a Separates right and left atrium b Foramen ovale i Permits blood flow directly from right to left atrium ii From 5th week of embryonic development until birth c At birth lungs can function foramen closes i Permanently closes at 48 hours post birth d Fossa ovalis remains i Sometimes doesn t close remains potent ii Can lead to heart failure pulmonary regurgitation when valve leaks like a heart murmur XIV Left Atrium a Blood flows from pulmonary capillaries i New loaded with O2 ii Flow into small pulmonary veins 2 from each lung iii Right and left pulmonary veins empty into posterior of left atrium

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UH KIN 3304 - Anatomy of the Heart

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